Help with service call.

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Acworth, GA
I had a service call this morning at a residence with a 200 fuse panel. The customer said some minor work had been completed on the panel the previous day replacing a blown fuse. Since the work had been completed her appliance seem to be running hot and omit an odor similar to a burning smell. She demonstrated the problem with the cloths dryer and I agree. The voltage across phases is 246 volts, 123 volts each. The utility checked the transformer and it checcked okay. Not sure where to go from here. Any ideas what would cause many of the appliances to run hot and emit an order?
Turn off circuits one at a time, and check voltage L1-L2, L1-N and L2-N. If there's no changes, turn them off one at a time, but only those on one leg or phase. See if you've got a loose/open neutral.
The recorded voltage seems normal. Sounds like whatever you smell is what caused the 200 amp fuse to blow. I would ask for more information concerning the original problem.
I had a service call this morning at a residence with a 200 fuse panel. The customer said some minor work had been completed on the panel the previous day replacing a blown fuse. Since the work had been completed her appliance seem to be running hot and omit an odor similar to a burning smell. She demonstrated the problem with the cloths dryer and I agree. The voltage across phases is 246 volts, 123 volts each. The utility checked the transformer and it checcked okay. Not sure where to go from here. Any ideas what would cause many of the appliances to run hot and emit an order?

I'd say "get them back".
after the reference of the fuse panel i would assume that the appliances havent been replaced in a while either. has anyone pulled these appliances away from the wall? how many cats does she have?
I had a call like this a few months ago. It turned out to be that connect the screw in fuse holder shell to the buss was loose, and would arc when the load of the electric clothes dryer was running. I'd go through and tighten all connections in that panel.

Perhaps a panel change is in order?
omit an odor similar to a burning smell. She demonstrated the problem with the cloths dryer and I agree. The voltage across phases is 246 volts, 123 volts each. The utility checked the transformer and it checcked okay. Not sure where to go from here. Any ideas what would cause many of the appliances to run hot and emit an order?

omit an odor or emit an order, just don't omit my order.

Never did isolate the problem. The customer wanted a panel change out to a circuit breaker panel. Completed the project and no further comments from the customer.
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