FPE Breakers & panels

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Senior Member
OK so I know all about the dangers and hazards of FPe but even though FPE did not have a UL listing they were installed to code at date of install.

My question is can you install a new or used FPE Breaker
and would the Breaker be UL listed for a new installation?

I have a customer who is added a 2 1/2 ton central A?C and both the main panel and sub panel are FPE.
I need to have my facts straight before letting the HO know if the panels will need to be replaced. I put the date of installation at around 1980-1982 for the FPE Panels.
If the newer breaker does not have the legitimate UL label, then no it's not UL listed, and should not be installed. You can call the American Circuit Breaker Corporation to get more information on there FP breakers.

I don't see any reason why you can't install a UL listed FP breaker in the FP panel.
About all you can do is warn them of the dangers of FPE . I would note warning on every bill. They have the right to use it till the FIRE. Most here agree its garbage but its up to owner. Many insurance companies are getting smart and will not knowingly insure that building. Send them to google for fpe and wait on phone call. Problem is there is never a problem till the fire.
My question is can you install a new or used FPE Breaker
and would the Breaker be UL listed for a new installation?

Sure you can.

I agree that the design is crap but I will occaisionally add a circuit to an FPE panel. If I can scare them into a panel change, all the better.:D
OK so I know all about the dangers and hazards of FPe but even though FPE did not have a UL listing they were installed to code at date of install.

My question is can you install a new or used FPE Breaker
and would the Breaker be UL listed for a new installation?

I have a customer who is added a 2 1/2 ton central A?C and both the main panel and sub panel are FPE.
I need to have my facts straight before letting the HO know if the panels will need to be replaced. I put the date of installation at around 1980-1982 for the FPE Panels.

And residential CBs were not part of the recall.
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