couple q

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Hi, I am new here. I am working for a large home center where we get all types who "know" the code. Well everytime I go to our computer and look up certain things, I am always finding this forum has the answer in some way or another and pops up on google, so I decided why not register..... Anyway a couple things are on my mind and I can not get a good answer probably because it is such a generic question. Here goes.

Customer today came in about his baseboard not passing because
The problem you have is you have to try to decipher questions and statements from DIYers, it is doubtful their translation is what was actually said.

How far does your employer want or allow you to go trying to answer questions for those that don't have a clue?

My guess is..... if you talk to management, they won't want you telling customer the codes. Too much legal liability.
couple q's about jbox and baseboard

couple q's about jbox and baseboard

Hi, I am new here. I am working for a large home center where we get all types who "know" the code. Well everytime I go to our computer and look up certain code issues, I am always finding this forum front and foremost on google, so I decided why not register..... Anyway a couple things are on my mind and I can not get a good answer probably because it is such a generic question. Here goes.

Customer today came in about his baseboard not passing because of an existing outlet. I have not gotten a clean answer but I am under the impression that he can pass if:
outlet was attached to the heater itself, OR
outlet is serving a non "convenience" purpose (If this is the case such as A/C, would it have to be single outlet) OR
if the instructions specifically say you can not install it under an outlet. This seems to be an extremely hard to decipher code.

Also I am almost embarrased to be asking this, but a customer INSISTED to me that she could not use a metal junction box in a residential attic. also told me that she could not use a regular blankup plastic cover on the plastic boxes. She told me that this was all in the codebook and that I should study up. Am I missing something here?

wow cant believe this thing got posted, and how many people actually responded, the enter button was pressed accidentaly, this is the first VB forum I have ever had a problem posting on. and feel like an idiot. Please look for my new post. I hope I can delete this.
The problem you have is you have to try to decipher questions and statements from DIYers, it is doubtful their translation is what was actually said.

How far does your employer want or allow you to go trying to answer questions for those that don't have a clue?


You mean like two nice ladies today buying a 20amp single pole for their full on electric range that their "guy" was nice enough to supply the "orange wire" for. I actually stood there and tried to explain this to them but I'm sure our operating procedure is just to smile and say "have a good day".
Mjjstang, your posts are bordering on DIY questions and I have to point out that we are not here for DIYers even if by proxy.

Mjjstang, I moved your other post here, see post # 6

Mjjstang, your posts are bordering on DIY questions and I have to point out that we are not here for DIYers even if by proxy.


this is true, I was worried about that, however my main question was regarding the baseboard install becasue it was more of a question regarding the codebook and the interpretation of the code book, I probably should have left everything else out and just did a little more searching. I am not going to be here everyday asking silly diy questions I can promise you that.

Here's the most important (and ONLY) code you need to remember:

90.1(C). This Code is not intended as a design specification or an instruction manual for untrained persons.

OK, lock this one up, mods.:wink:
I'd just make sure that giving advice to customers in this manner is what your job position is supposed to do. IE: in writing in your job description it shows that you are supposed to give electrical advice. You work for a employer with a lot of assets and when, because it will happen, someone installs something not to code or god forbid someone gets hurt and they say the home depot guy told them it was the correct thing to do they might sick their lawyer on you. Just giving you something to think about. I have no idea what your liability really is in this case.

As a electrical contractor doing the work our insurance covers us making mistakes, we are liable but their is that cushion there. That's really the difference between a pro and a skilled do it your selfer.
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