Office in MCC Room

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I visited a client today to preview a project that will add a few new motors to an existing MCC room. I was a little taken back that the Maintenance Manager has his office in the corner of the MCC room, complete with catalogs and using some enclosures as bookshelves. I am reasonably sure this is a violation but cannot seem to find an NEC or OSHA article to quote. Perhaps someone can help jog my memory.
It is not an NEC violation, provided only that the working clearance requirements of 110.26 are met. I cannot speak to OSHA requirements.

This is a common question. Many people are surprised to see desks and bookcases in the same room as electrical panels. But there really is no safety hazard involved here, as far as the authors of the NEC are concerned.

Welcome to the forum.
I visited a client today to preview a project that will add a few new motors to an existing MCC room. I was a little taken back that the Maintenance Manager has his office in the corner of the MCC room, complete with catalogs and using some enclosures as bookshelves. I am reasonably sure this is a violation but cannot seem to find an NEC or OSHA article to quote. Perhaps someone can help jog my memory.

If he is inside the Arc Flash boundary he can sit at his "desk" but needs arc flash PPE.
Although not a 'violation' of 70E, it is generally not a good practice to have exposed flammable material in an MCC Room. This is always picked up by Factory Mutual during our insurance inspections, so the insurer of the company may have something to say about it. We keep our drawings and other flammable paper goods inside metal cabinets. This also helps with the housekeeping.

I visited a client today to preview a project that will add a few new motors to an existing MCC room. I was a little taken back that the Maintenance Manager has his office in the corner of the MCC room, complete with catalogs and using some enclosures as bookshelves. I am reasonably sure this is a violation but cannot seem to find an NEC or OSHA article to quote. Perhaps someone can help jog my memory.

(Emphasis added by me)

I think the replies so far missed a key statement..

I don't believe an MCC enclosure is listed for use as a bookshelf. :rolleyes:
not good

not good

keep looking, I think the answer is in the OSHA regulations I am sure it is unsafe in meeting the osha act .I know of substations that I have worked in remove all flammable materials,recently and metal cabinets intalled for the arc flash protective equipment
I think this may apply

Working space required by this standard may not be used for storage. When normally enclosed live parts are exposed for inspection or servicing, the working space, if in a passageway or general open space, shall be suitably guarded.
RE:Office in MCC Room

Thanks to all for your replies. I will use all the suggestions in my recommendations to the client. At the very least the plant manager is aware of the possible issue(s).
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