Mice eating wiring

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If they are redoing the whole house, then it's time to go through and seal off every "little" hole that they find. Remember it's doesn't have to be very big for a mouse or rat to get through. You could use foam sealent where you go down the walls, but I've seen mice eat at that too, may be a little silicone would work or steel wool will keep them out too.
Thanks for the great advice everyone...
here's an update. ..
the whole place is now pretty much gutted down to the frame and
getting all new electrical

Found quite a bit of additional scary stuff thats now in the scrap pile.

I really only found mice/rodent damage in the attic...interesting.

thanks again
I had to replace the CAT V network cables twice in my boss's hunting lodge in two weeks, the mice were chewing them up faster than I could replace the cable in the crawlspace! Gave them a good diet of 8 boxes of DECON! Have not had any trouble since. (but it sure did stink in there for the next two weeks!)
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