cell phone towers??

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Senior Member
Has anybody done many cell towers???

My pal? handed me a job for celltower.

The 1st one is going rough.. I show up tue morning, all material were to be on the jobsite(yea right). I spent the whole day chasing parts,-try to find a 4-in rigid no thread connector.

The other contractor has "prematurly" laid down the fabric matting and gravel. Half-way through the 1st ditch, they tell us we have to scrape the gravel back an roll up the fabric?!!

My buddy splits for his next gig(but leaves his backhoe)

(1) 3in pvc / rigid riser for power
(1) 4in pvc / rigid riser for telephone
(1) ground ring ( cadwell and materials supplied)
many small details

This wouldn't be a bad job if it wasn't for the gravel.

The tower capmpany has move in from nearby state and needs a EC for towns that neeed inspections.

May have 160 more towers to do.

How much should I charge??
Will probably have 2-3 guy's labor for 4days

My regular cutomers are calling NOW!!
THe tower company thinks I'm going to the next job on monday.
My previous company charged Verizon wireless 65 dollars per hour to do cell towers. Each one was a 200A service. It was alot of overhead and and we had to bend over backwards for them.
May have 160 more towers to do.

How much should I charge??
Will probably have 2-3 guy's labor for 4days

My regular cutomers are calling NOW!!
THe tower company thinks I'm going to the next job on monday.

Don't charge too much, the cell business only makes a small 1000% markup on the services they provide.
Cell tower builders have no loyalty they will call every electrician in the book on every tower they build so don't count on a long term relationship
Cell site builds are run by a bunch of goofs that don't know anything about construction. They hire anyone off the street and make them PM's. They will backcharge you with no written proof or documentation, and will sell the jobs to the lowest bidder.

Bid them with large mark ups so you can cover the BS.
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