how do you clean a xfmrs

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I just removed a racoon from the inside of a 75 kva xfmrs. There is a little leftovers. It looked like he went phase to ground. On this xfmrs the lugs are near the top and then arch into the top of the coils. 2 or 3 of the leads, and some of the core has blood, fur, and such on them. Can you spray down the inside and let it dry? any help would be great.
1. Megger the transformer, primary to secondary, secondary to ground (XO bond lifted), primary to ground.
2. Vacuum the interior using a cloth and an approved cleaner that will not damage the transformer finish wipe down what you can. Contact the manufacture or a motor shop for this info.
3. Megger as in item one and TTR the transformer.

4. Buy a new transformer.
Tansformer Cleaning

Tansformer Cleaning

Its been years but we were contacted by several large hotels to clean their transformers at the request of their insurance companies. If I remember correctly there are some spray on coating products that you can apply after you clean the windings. I agree with Brian but in your case I would suggest adding a rodent guard to the transformer to keep the wildlife out.
Rodent guard is on order. I don't want to be graffic but a simple vacuming will not get the wet and dry blood off. Some off the hair is also stuck on. To day i took a brush and water to the case, but am still waiting for info about cleaning the coils.
I would go with post 2. :smile:

Particularly this part ..........

using a cloth and an approved cleaner that will not damage the transformer finish wipe down what you can. Contact the manufacture or a motor shop for this info.
I just removed a racoon from the inside of a 75 kva xfmrs. There is a little leftovers. It looked like he went phase to ground. On this xfmrs the lugs are near the top and then arch into the top of the coils. 2 or 3 of the leads, and some of the core has blood, fur, and such on them. Can you spray down the inside and let it dry? any help would be great.

If the phase-to-ground was due to only the raccoon's body and not their eating habits, cleaning may be sufficient. If the little furry victim had chewed some insulation away, that needs to be addressed separately by a repair shop.

Low pressure >30# steam cleaning of dipped transformers is the best way to remove accumulated and baked-on debris. Drying it and meggering it is appropriate before putting it back in service. The main issue is trying to remove the layers that reduce the effectiveness of cooling.
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