Smoke Detectors

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I have a owner of a residential 2 story with a basement row home in Baltimore City Maryland that has contracted me to install a new 100 amp panel and meter because the tenate that lived there before had cut the service wires at the drip loop and then proceeded to steel the old existing meter, panel and cut out some of the wiring in the basement. I have pulled an electrical permit and filled a service application with the utility company to install a new panel and meter. The row home is not a new construction or re-hab. There was some damages to some walls and ceillings, but only patching and painting needed to be done. After walking through the home I noticed that they did not have any smoke detectors. By code, will I need to install them? Any feed back would be appreciated. Thank you.
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I do not believe the IRC requires the installation unless you are cutting the drywall. I am not sure since this is outside my expertise and, I believe, this is also outside the IRC. :)
I don't gennerally do resi but a few yrs ago did a basement for a friend in AA Co and not only did I have to add the smoke but I had to upgrade the stariwell smokes to be interlocked. bottom line - check with county (city in your case), cause who knows what they are going to make you do.
Check with the city, but if this property will continue to be used as a rental, I think the smokes will be required.

I know that Baltimore County would require them, but I'm not sure about the City.
It's going to depend a lot on the rules in your local jurisdiction and the building codes there. In areas of TN inspected by the State, if interior electrical is performed, smokes need to be addressed, but in some local jurisdictions they do not.
Now that takes guts to steal a service LOL. Would think insurance would cover it as theft. Would treat this about same as an upgrade but with first part of job already done for you. Best you call the ahj.
I agree with the others, make a phone call to local agency in charge and have them give you the correct information.
In our area Any time we do a Change/out or Upgrade We have to add Smoke detectors.
If it is not Practical to Use Hard wire in most of these cases The A H J will allow Battery Operated Smookies. You Need to Talk to The A H J in your Area.
He is the man with the FinaL say on this matter.
I also agree that you should consult with your AHJ. If your jurisdiction has adopted the IBC and IRC with no amendments, and these "row dwellings" are true Townhouses, then it would fall under the IRC. You would then be required to install smoke detectors to meet the current code if you are doing any work that requires a permit. They would not have to be hardwired and interconnected where removal of interior finishes would be necessary unless there is a crawl space or attic to provide access. If they are apartments, they would fall under the IBC. The IBC does not require smokes to be retro. However, some jurisdictions do require older apartments to add some form of smoke detection. Again, it would be an AHJ thing.
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