Square D Breakers in Murray Panel??

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Recently ran accross a Murray Panel Model LCD120 DC that had Square D breakers installed. I thought the only breakers listed for a Murray panel where Murray (of-course) and Siemans. Any thoughts on Square D breakers installed in a Murray Panel?? What are the breaker replacement options for the particular model I listed?
If the SquareD's fit in a Murray panel, then they are the HomelineSqD, not the QO's. Generally mfg. specs. list their equipment only for their panels, so buy $60.00 worth of breakers and change them out, call it good. Hopefully the customer sees it that way, too.
Siemens breakers are not listed for use in Murray panels. Look on the panel door for a listing of approved breakers. Most common type of Siemens is the QP or QT, the most common type of Murray is a type MP or MT. They are not interchangeable. They will fit but they are not listed for use in either panel.
iMuse 97: Agreed, that is what I plan on doing. Was just wondering if any other breakers ie. (Cutler-Hammer CL breakers) were listed for a Murray panel. Obviously, Square D does not want there breakers installed in another manufacturers panel. Is Cutler-Hammer the only manufacturer with "classified breakers" for use in other panels?
Cutler Hammer makes breakers that are "classified" for use in other panels but other manufacturer's don't make panels that are listed to accept Cutler Hammer breakers. You cannot use them in any panel except for Cutler Hammer.
"Cutler Hammer makes breakers that are "classified" for use in other panels but other manufacturer's don't make panels that are listed to accept Cutler Hammer breakers. You cannot use them in any panel except for Cutler Hammer."

What is the point of Cutler-Hammer having "classified breakers" if they can't be used in another manufacturer's panel? I understand why a manufacturer would only list their breakers for use on their own panel.$$$ But, what takes precidence here? The "clasified breaker" or the panel listing? Is it a code violation to put a "classified breaker" in a panel that it was classified for? Regardless of the panel listing.
110.3(B) says you must follow all manufacturer's instructions when using listed equipment. On the door of the panel it will state that ONLY the following types of breakers may be installed. If CH type breakers are not listed, then you cannot install them.
I agree with you here. Just seems to be a "grey area" to me. Cutler Hammer "classified breakers" are UL listed for use in other panels. But, if the other panel doesn't list them, then what is the point in producing them? I don't get it...
I fully understand what the code says, and I understand the legal warranty side of it, but honestly, its all a marketing game. It just means that Siemens, Cuttler Hammer, Square D, or any of the others involved hasn't or doesnt want to, spend the money to have the collective parts tested by UL. You can be assured that Square D, spent alot of money and built the Homeline to conviently interchange with other BR style breakers hoping they will sell to that market....come on? It has to be for a marketing, or patent reasons, or the other party just doesn't want the same thing happening in reverse. Our CED supplier exclusively sells Square D, and Im not shopping all over town to find the "Listed" breaker, its nonsense. There are some instances where Homeline doesnt fit, but on the average it fits, and fits good and tight, and personaly I think the Homeline is a superior product. Maybe it will bite me some day, but I highly doubt it. I've yet to be turned down for it on any inspection. and I've yet see a failure due to this issue.

Now with that said........Im not suggesting that you let it go, Change out the breakers and do it right, :grin::smile::grin::smile:
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