propane generator

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Home owner wants to install a propane backup generator for their house. They said POCO wants a switch installed so they don't get shocked. Does the customer mean an ATS? If so, what product would you guys suggest for that kind of set up in a house?
Auto or manual switch is required. If it is a manual I prefer the Interlock kits that can be ordered online or at supply house. If it is ATS, generac is the leading/predominant manufacturer for residential applications.
Does the customer mean an ATS?

Sounds like you are a little unfamiliar with the standbys, if so, I would seriously recommend finding some qualified help. Nothing wrong with that, everybody's new to something. Find a good dealer in the area and set up a good relation with them. Let them size and sell the unit and you can get the install. We have a lot of good relations with local ECs when it comes to genset installs.
They said POCO wants a switch installed so they don't get shocked.

In plain English: They're talking about a transfer switch, which can be automatic or manual, and allows the service to receive power from only one source at a time. This prevents the possibility of the generator being connected to the utility supply, which is illegal and extremely dangerous.

Such an interconnection can allow the generator to (attempt to) feed power back into the service conductors. Because transformers work in reverse, too, the high-voltage lines could reach nearly their operating voltage just when the power company repairmen are expecting it to be dead.

This is something you don't want to skimp on with permitting and inspecting, not to mention experience and expertise.
Home owner wants to install a propane backup generator for their house. They said POCO wants a switch installed so they don't get shocked. Does the customer mean an ATS? If so, what product would you guys suggest for that kind of set up in a house?

A contactor with a Time Delay On would more likely to be an aceptable solution. The TDO would prevent the contactor to respond to failed reclose attempts and also help you avoid surges damaging the hosehold electrical system that usually accompany POCO fault switching.
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