California Certification Enforcement

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? 7027.4. Advertising as insured or bonded; Requirements; Cause for discipline
(a) It is a cause for discipline for any contractor to advertise that he or she is "insured" or has insurance without identifying in the advertisement the type of insurance, including, for example, "commercial general liability insurance" or "workers' compensation insurance" that is carried by the contractor. The contractor may abbreviate the title of the type of insurance.
(b) It is cause for discipline for a contractor to advertise that he or she is "bonded" if the reference is to a contractor's license bond required pursuant to Section 7071.6 or to a disciplinary bond required pursuant to Section 7071.8.
(c) "Advertise," as used in this section, includes, but is not limited to, the issuance of any card, sign, or device to any person, the causing, permitting, or allowing of any sign or marking on or in any building or structure or business vehicle or in any newspaper, magazine, or by airwave or any electronic transmission, or in any directory under a listing for construction or work of improvement covered by this chapter, for the direct or indirect purpose of performing or offering to perform services that require a contractor's license.
In both cases the "licenced and bonded" would need to also include the type of each.
not that I am in competion with the craigslist crowd yet...

I just landed a $2,300 service upgrade in SF off there today. Very simple one. A stick of pipe on the outside, meter/main/combo right behind it, 4 existing circuits to reconnect. You know the deal. In better times I'd of tacked on a little more to that price. Lowest bid was $1,600, but the guy wanted to install the meter outside on the front of the building.

Right now, I'll take it.
Here's another one from craigslist. $2,900. Also lower than I would've normally priced it. My first photo here, be gentle.

not that I am in competion with the craigslist crowd yet...

I just landed a $2,300 service upgrade in SF off there today. Very simple one. A stick of pipe on the outside, meter/main/combo right behind it, 4 existing circuits to reconnect. You know the deal. In better times I'd of tacked on a little more to that price. Lowest bid was $1,600, but the guy wanted to install the meter outside on the front of the building.

Right now, I'll take it.
I'm hoping that you did not take my comment as offense.... It was meant broadly - since I am currently employed by someone else at the moment - a situation I expect may end soon. Nothing else in the pipe, and my current digs of a Pac Hieghts 10Ksq' single family is heading to rock at an economically inconvienent time after a one year rough-in. It was meant as - I may be right beside you soon....

Here's another one from craigslist. $2,900. Also lower than I would've normally priced it. My first photo here, be gentle.

Typical slanted to read through the garage windows in the existing location... K&T re-fed above near the new illumination? I usually do those as an over/under MM with dist. seperate flat on the wall. As I have been dinged for having the main and/or meter enclosure 'too close to the path for a car' - my responce was 'if they hit the service with their car the have larger problems as they would aslo be in the building next door as well by that point.' (For those in other areas of the country - yes, those service conductors are allowed inside the building here and very typical.)
But it does have one very strong thing in its favor: It brings in phone calls.

A lot more than my yellow pages add ever did.
Got a neat response to one of the e-mail warnings I sent out to people on Craiglist.... It's a near admission to what - depending on the extent - could be against the law??? If not disiplinary action.

Your implication that I do all listed work "myself" is false. I have several Associates that are C-10 licensed that I work with when projects exceed $500.00 or require bonding, insurance and or permits. There is no law, correct me if I am wrong, that forbids me to advertise my skills and capabilities as a Journeyman Electrician.

? 125. Misdemeanor offenses by licensees
Any person, licensed under Division 1 (commencing with Section 100), Division 2(commencing with Section 500 ), or Division 3(commencing with Section 5000) is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to the disciplinary provisions of this code applicable to him or her, who conspires with a person not so licensed to violate any provision of this code, or who, with intent to aid or assist that person in violating those provisions does either of the following:
(a) Allows his or her license to be used by that person.
(b) Acts as his or her agent or partner.
It seems paradoxical that the CSLB (the newsletter, anyway) likes to make a lot of hay over their intricately devised enforcement and sting operations, but then turn a blind eye to these easy pickin's happening right under their very noses.

Is is just too easy? Not expensive enough?

Any yahoo with an internet connection could form an open and shut case on half of them without stepping out the front door.
Still, it's hard to blame them. Many of them have probably found themselves out of a job with little warning.
It seems paradoxical that the CSLB (the newsletter, anyway) likes to make a lot of hay over their intricately devised enforcement and sting operations, but then turn a blind eye to these easy pickin's happening right under their very noses.

Is is just too easy? Not expensive enough?

Any yahoo with an internet connection could form an open and shut case on half of them without stepping out the front door.
Not completely ignoring it. A few months ago I was trolling around looking at the exact type of ads we're looking at now. And to my surprise the CSLB had their own ad requesting people to report certain ads to them. (This very kind) And I think this is when they seemingly asked craigslist to include the 'licence info slot' found on many of them now. Or at least when I noticed it.... But they may have for some time now.

Found these:

They unfortunately allow the use if the word "Certified" in that section - when it should be a drop down menu allowing, or offering C-10, B etc. and numbers only - anything otherwise should be "Unlicensed".
Certified Journeyman Electrician with 10 yrs experience in high-end residential remodel and new construction, accepting side jobs for $35 per hour, minimum two hours. All aspect of residential electricals from troubleshooting and repair to fixtures installation. Panel upgrades, new outlets, dryer circuit etc. Clean job and fast. E-mail me with scope of work or call me at 415 XXX-XXX.

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  • License info: Ca certified
  • (Also el dopo is selling himself off cheap, under cutting us all - I wonder what he does with the 1099's, etc. at the end of the year? But maybe taxes are not a concern?)
I wonder what he does with the 1099's, etc. at the end of the year? But maybe taxes are not a concern?

The IRS and State Franchise Tax Board don't care if you're licensed so long as they get what's theirs. They don't even ask.
The IRS and State Franchise Tax Board don't care if you're licensed so long as they get what's theirs. They don't even ask.
True - but billing at $35?!?!?!? If scmuckola is paying thats nothing, even if he's not paying the man - thats still too little for this area.
Actually - a handfull over a decade or so. But thats not the point is it? Call me silly, but I report my income anyway, and charge accordingly. And yes, and equal handfull over that same decade have asked about my license, but I did not pull out my certification card instead. :roll: Should we all be expected to bill out at $35?! :mad: At lower than the cost of employing someone at that wage...
You have got to be kidding!

You have got to be kidding!

While I am no fan of the way that the DAS has handled the certification and enforcement laws, here in California, I am dumbfounded that anyone that works in the construction industry could be ignorant of it's very existence.

I moved to California from Florida in 2004 and new of and heard about certification both before the move and after I got here. To not know one would have to bury their head in the sand, which is exactly what many seem to do out here.

I think the idea of Electricians being "licensed" is a fantastic idea. Unfortunately, California does not license electricians, they only certify that they have taken a simple 100 question, open book exam. The term license would carry with it the onus on the state to actually find out if one were qualified to perform the work for which they are becoming licenses and therefore would subject the state to LIABILITY! Can you say lawsuit.

Further, as far as enforcement is concerned, I feel that it's ludicrous to penalize the contractor if the employee lets his certification expire or provides a falsified certification to gain employment. Once a certification has been attained, the certified individual should be wholly responsible for his actions in regard to that certification. If they work without certification or in violation of the law, they, not the contractor should be the ones to suffer any consequences.

:-? :-?
CA Certification vs Enforcement

CA Certification vs Enforcement

It has been a debacle ever since it was passed as law back in 2005. I attended a symposium back in 2004 as an indentured apprentice and it was then I realized that there were going to be big problems with both prerequisites elegibility reqirements and enforcement. I have worked for several electrical C10 contractors since 2006 and almost all the crews I have supervised were guys "off the bus bench" they are still paying them crap wages and I end up frustrated at the end of the day re-working because the so called apprentices didn't know what they were doing in the first place. As far as enforcement is concerned I have never been asked nor has any inspector requested verification of who is certified, indentured or trainee. The shops I have worked for get away with calling the guys they hire "electrician trainees". Sad state of affairs here in California. I was on the DAS web site yesterday and they implemented enforcement (1 July 2009) by the "local juristiction having authority" to enforce the certification of working electricians working for a electrical contractor. The inspectors for the most part are "combo" inspectors and don't know what to ask when it comes to certification enforcement of journeyman electricians.
If they really wanted to get this enforced in-house make the generals liable too. If there is a EC on their project then they should have to pay a fine. This only has to happen a few times and EVERY General will be chacking their ECs paperwork from then on.


What is wrong with enforcement? why have a law that is not enforced?

I personally and seem to be the only one that has a problem with the fact that a General Contractor can do what I cannot . That is unskilled labor installing electrical. I know very few small time General contractors that know electrical well enough. In my experience they know just enough to get into trouble.

I agree whole heartedly Sierra. I have seen some real unsafe and shoddy workmmenship left for an owner to deal with at a later date with a well trained electrician think all kinds of expletives about the guy that he has to cleanup his work. I would love to be an enforcer.

I was on the DAS web site yesterday and they implemented enforcement (1 July 2009) by the "local juristiction having authority" to enforce the certification of working electricians working for a electrical contractor. .

Whre do you see that? That being "local jurisdiction having authority."

From what I can see it's the CSLB and that's not the same thing.
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