Inspection Fees

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New member
I was curious about the diffrences (state by state) for inspection fees.
A. new home minimum and # trips
B.Minimum fee i.e. one circuit or extension difrent fees for diffrent sizes etc.
D.Xfmrs by size etc
E detatched structures
Here, minimum fee is $27.
New hiome, 200 amp service, minimum trips $108.
Upstate NY
A. new home minimum and # trips $100.00 three trips
B.Minimum fee i.e. one circuit or extension $45.-$65.00 one or two trips difrent fees for diffrent sizes etc.$45.00-$65.00 one trip
D.Xfmrs by size etc $65.00-$100.00 as needed
E detatched structures $45.00-$100.00 two trips


state inspection fee examples
the following examples of electrical inspection fees are calculated using the fee schedule from section 103.32 of iowa code 103. These examples are for illustrative purposes only since we realize that all electrical installations have their own characteristics and each may have a different number of requested rough-in and final inspections.

1.) a new family room addition to an existing home:

This project would require a minimum of a rough-in and a final inspection, which are $25 for each inspection for a total permit fee of $50.

2.) the same example above along with a 150a service upgrade and 15 breakers:

The service upgrade would be $110 ($35 for the 100a to 200a service, plus $5 for each of the 15 breakers) plus $25 for each the rough-in and the final inspection for a total permit fee of $160.

3.) a new residential dryer circuit and receptacle:

This inspection should only involve one inspection for a total permit fee of $25.

4.) a new, 4-tenant office building with a 400a main service, 4 meters, and a 125a panelboard containing 12 breakers in each unit:

The inspection fee for the service will be $335 ($35 for the first 200a plus $20 for each additional 100a, plus $5 for each of the 52 branch or feeder breakers). Allow $25 each for the rough-in inspection and the final inspection for a total permit fee of $385. If the electrical contractor requests additional inspections during the project, an additional $25 will be charged for each inspection.

5) a 12-plex consisting of a 600a service, 100a panelboard with 14 breakers in each unit, a house panel containing 10 breakers, and a rough-in for each of the 3 floors.

The inspection fee for the service will be would be $1170 ($35 for the first 200a plus $20 for each additional 100a, plus $5 for each of the 955circuit or feeder breakers). Allow $25 for each of the 3 rough-in inspections and $25 for the final inspection for a total permit fee of $1270. If the electrical contractor requests additional inspections during the project, an additional $25 will be charged for each inspection.

6.) a new single-family home with a 200a service containing 32 breakers:

The inspection fee would be $245 ($35 for the 100a to 200a service, $5 for each of the 32 breakers, and $25 for each the rough-in and final inspections).

7.) a temporary service containing a 60a main and 3 gfci breakers:

The inspection fee would be $25 for a service of 100a or less and $5 for each of the branch circuit breakers plus the $25 inspection for a total permit fee of $65.

Huntsville, Alabama $25 for the first $500 then 1% for every $100 over that. Unlimited inspections until you hit the 3 strikes (Same inspection failed 3 times) then it's $25 per trip after that.

Madison, Alabama (which actually abuts Huntsville. $25 for the first $500 +$1 per amp of service +.5% of total. This was recently changed in an attempt to raise revenue for infrastructure. I found out the hard way this had changed on a service upgrade. (can you say goodbye profits)
Around here, the inspections are covered by the permit fees.

That's the way things work here. I have herd that they will charge a re-inspection fee if you fail an inspection enough times but that's never happened to me so I'm not sure how that works.

Most small jobs here are covered by the minimum permit fee of say $30- $40-$50 so there is no difference between a 100 amp or 200 amp service up-grade because either is less than the minimum fee. On jobs that run over the minimum you start to count the devices, fixtures and motor loads and pay by the item. The dollar amount that's charged by an EC has nothing to do with it but builders pay by the dollar amount of cost of construction.
Mason County Michigan:

Thru 200 Amp. 10.00
over 200 Amp. thru 600 Amp. 15.00
over 600 Amp.thru 800 Amp. 20.00
800 TO 1200 Amp 25.00
Over 1200 GFI only 50.00
Temporary 10.00

Circuits 5.00
Lighting Fixtures per 25 and fraction thereof 6.00
Dishwasher?Garbage Disp. & Range Hood/HWH 5.00
Furnace?Unit Heater/Air Conditioner 5.00
Electrical Heating Units (Baseboard) 4.00
Power Outlets (including Ranges, Dryers, etc.) 7.00
Signs?Circuits 10.00
Signs?Letter 15.00
Signs?Neon (per 20 feet) 20.00
Feeders?Bus Ducts?etc.?per 50' & fraction thereof 6.00
Mobile Home Sites 6.00
Recreational Vehicle Sites 4.00
K.V.A. & H.P. Rated Equipment up to 20 K.V.A. or H.P. 6.00
21 K.V.A. or H.P. to 50 10.00
Units 51 KVA and over 12.00
Energy Retrofit - Temp control 45.00
Conduit only 45.00
Special /Safety Inspection 30.00
Permanent Swimming Pools 40.00
Fire Alarm?up to 10 Stations and Horns 50.00
Anything 10 Stations & Horns?over 20 $5 ea. 100.00
Temporary Swimming Pools 20.00
Hourly Fee?Additional Inspection 40.00
Final Inspection 40.00
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