14 gauge wire on 30 amp DP breaker

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slick 50

Senior Member
A question popped up about landing the wires of a whole house surge protector under a 30 amp DP breaker. The surge manufacturer recommends that you keep the conductors as short as possible. Is there anything in the NEC stating that within the panel you have to follow that rule. Since the conductors are all inside the panel and there really is no load drawn by the surge protector, can you land under the closest 2 pole breaker even if it is a 2 pole 50. I do understand that the conductors coming off of the surge are 14 gauge. Is there somekind of tap rule or "????

Is the surge protector UL listed? If it is, follow the instructions provided and let er rip.Ive installed some 3 phase models that called for a 100 amp 3 pole. But the unit only had #10 leads.
Also keep in mind that if you are connecting to an existing breaker with another load that the breaker must be listed for multiple wires if you are going to land more than one wire in the breaker terminal.

Since the conductors are all inside the panel and there really is no load drawn by the surge protector, can you land under the closest 2 pole breaker even if it is a 2 pole 50.
Unless you mean a breaker rated for only one wire per terminal, then yes.

The shortest-path requirement is for best performance of the surge protector.
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