300.18(A) : History is Morse Code

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Senior Member
I'm trying to trace the language of 300.18(A), requiring raceways to be a complete system before conductors are installed. I cannot, however, find the requirement from 1930 through 1943. The requirement seems to disappear again from 1981 through 1987.

In the 1928, I have it as Article 503.g, then it mysteriously drops off the radar scope. I find it again in the 1947 as Art. 3013.

In 1978, it is Art. 300.18(a), and then goes AWOL until 1990.

I can find language requiring raceways to be continuous between boxes, fittings, pull points, etc. but not the requirement to be complete before the installation of conductors.

Anyone have any idea where it went those years? Or if it is not a requirement in those years, why it entered into an on-again/off-again affair?
I can find language requiring raceways to be [continuous between boxes, fittings, pull points, etc.] but not the requirement to be [complete before the installation of conductors].

As it's written now are these two different requirements?
How did you select the code sections to research?
I would like to do some similar review for certain parts of Art 250.
How did you select the code sections to research?
I would like to do some similar review for certain parts of Art 250.

Most are from forum questions. Others are from discussions with other electricians. Some I just pick out of thin air.

I don't do a 'review' of anything, just list the Code sections as the language changes addresses as it goes. I will leave it to the researched to interpret the text itself.
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