feeder ampacity

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I have a 200 amp service on the exterior of a single family residence. In this service I have a 200 amp main breaker for the home and I also have 2-2pole branch breakers feeding an A/C and a dryer. I have an SER service cable coming from the exterior service feeding the interior main sub panel in the garage where the rest of the breakers for the house are located. Does the 2008 NEC code change the feeder size to the sub panel or does Table 310-15(B)(6) still allow a 4/0 aluminum ser cable?
Table 310-15(B)(6) never applied to sub-panels and the 2008 even makes that more clear.

I go with Roger on this one and I also would say to look at 338.10(B)(4)(a) which directs you to 334.80. This makes the se cable rated at 60C and not 75C
I agree with Roger and Dennis, you have a 150 amp service, not a 200. Change your 200 amp main to a 150 map main, assuming it is sufficient for the calculated load, and you are good to go.
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