Who is Paying Attention Today...

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Sometimes I just wonder...What are these people thinking about while at work???

Here is what I saw while walking through a jobsite.

My apprentise got to see the president of a large construction company slide out and fall from about 10' up, Aluminum ladder, no feet. Broke two or three ribs. Luckily he did not hit his head on the concrete floor. (by the way, it was one of his ladders!) I was in the room next to it when I heard the crash. Came around the corner and he was flat on his back moaning and uttering not too nice of words!
The orange-red stuff between the ladder and the floor is after-market feet. Obviously he didn't read the installation instructions. :grin:
I saw a guy at a jobsite (old factory) using the upper half of a 24' extension ladder. In another area, a crew was steam cleaning the ceiling, and the mist settled where this guy was working, which turned out to be the old machining area with a coating of oil on the floor. Wrist shattered into six pieces when he came down.
One of the best ones I have seen was 4 ext. ladders, 2 on each wall with walk boards on them about 15 ft up. The sheetrock guy had a 6 ft step laddder on the walk boards and he was standing on the top of the ladder mudding the joints.:-?
Sometimes I just wonder...What are these people thinking about while at work???

Here is what I saw while walking through a jobsite.
Isn't it obvious? The guys finishing the concrete left a dip where the ladder was needed, and the orange stuff was just what was needed to get it level.
One of the best ones I have seen was 4 ext. ladders, 2 on each wall with walk boards on them about 15 ft up. The sheetrock guy had a 6 ft step ladder on the walk boards and he was standing on the top of the ladder mudding the joints.:-?

I saw something similar about 5 years ago. Except that he was tied off with the GC's brand new extension cord. Maybe that's what the cord in the picture is being used for. In that case, I see nothing wrong.
I saw something similar about 5 years ago. Except that he was tied off with the GC's brand new extension cord. Maybe that's what the cord in the picture is being used for. In that case, I see nothing wrong.

Extension cord as fall protection........ That just might work! It would get hung on something before you hit the ground!:grin:
Extension cord as fall protection........ That just might work! It would get hung on something before you hit the ground!:grin:

That has actually happened.

Kids broke in to a construction site, and were lowering a portable gererator off the third floor with extension cords when one kid went over the edge and got tangled up in the cord. His buddies freaked and ran off. Kid froze to death hanging upside-down.
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