Sub panel location in Residence

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Senior Member
Electrician ,contractor
Is there any code that prohibits a sub panel in a bedroom?
I cam across this today. No cite/spec from the AHJ.
No, there is no NEC rule that prohibits a panel in a bedroom.

Given that most carpet and furnishings have about the same flammability as clothes, you can't install panels in most areas of a dwelling unit:grin:
(D) Not in Vicinity of Easily Ignitible Material. Overcurrent devices shall not be located in the vicinity of easily ignitible material, such as in clothes closets.
Given that most carpet and furnishings have about the same flammability as clothes, you can't install panels in most areas of a dwelling unit:grin:
Now you're pushing it... :roll:

I just got done putting one in a wall behind a blind door - very neat - too bad I'm not finishing the project it would make a nice pic....
Given that most carpet and furnishings have about the same flammability as clothes, you can't install panels in most areas of a dwelling unit:grin:

I guess the garage and basement are out as well. And we can't mount them outside because there might be dead grass.

So now where?
The only time I had an issue with a panel in a bedroom was when the engineer placed the panel in a firewall between two buildings. They argued it could be in the wall and assumed I had a problem with it in the bedroom. Once they stopped moaning an groaning i informed them it was a fire wall and the panel could not go in it.....they because very nice...not sure why.
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