Need tips for estimating a pool

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Senior Member
Foothills of NC
I'm bidding a job that has a commercial pool. Please give me your suggestions. I've never done a pool before and want to be sure I get it right.

I understand I will need to bond all the metal parts.

If the installer uses rebar and wire mesh in the concrete walk around the pool and I bond it will that satisfy the grid requirment or will I still need to install a grid?

What do you inspectors fail the most on pools?

I'm in Arizona and we have lots of pools, electricians around here if you do pools that's all you do because it's not that easy, you don't just bond the rebarb. You have pool lights with special concave niche boxes with brass conduit, which in my experience you can only buy at a pool wholesale house, along with special black/brass j-box. The pump motors are the easy part. The panel schedule on your print should give you a good idea of how much power you'll need. Good luck.
I'm bidding a job that has a commercial pool. Please give me your suggestions. I've never done a pool before and want to be sure I get it right.

I understand I will need to bond all the metal parts.

If the installer uses rebar and wire mesh in the concrete walk around the pool and I bond it will that satisfy the grid requirment or will I still need to install a grid?

What do you inspectors fail the most on pools?


If they install rebar or mesh, you bond to it. If they go not, you run a bonding ring or grid. Check with your local AHJ.
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