Spot the Violation...Saturday edition

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Plumbing pipe used for electrical, white wire not taped black. I'm sure there's more! What brand is that panel?
That panel just looks nasty all around. Bad wiring, corroded lugs, old breakers. I'm picturing a shiny new panel with pretty black breakers as a nice alternative...:)
In the third photo, isn't a nut missing from the left-hand buss-bar?

I think so, and I'm wondering why the set-screw on the left is flush, while the one on the right is not.
Also, maybe it's the image but what color is that feed to the ground / neutral bar?

White wire on the breaker must be ok, I see it all the time. ;)

Doug S.

Edit: I like how the NM heading into the "drain" pipe is sealed off. =) I never thought of using functional plumbing as a raceway. GENIUS!
Besides what has been said, including the missing nut, I haven't seen that much corrosion since I worked down in the Keys in Florida, is this by salt water?

It almost looks like some of the neutrals and EGC's could be under one terminal?

over stuffed conduits?
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I didnt do it....

I didnt do it....

no dead front, pvc sleeved UF and nm cable (here at least).no straps on the pvc, tripped double breaker on one side handle tie didnt work leaving one phase still hot. exposed nm cable, water pipe not gray pvc. no lock nut on wht pvc how was that attatched? no bushng on gray 1 inch pvc no bushing on gray 2 inch pvc red neutral miss sized no nolox on the aluminum entrance wires lug on right failing lug on left not attatched
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1. your not allowed to use handle ties
2. breaker is suppose to open all conductors when overload occurs

do you really think this was installed under the 2008 code cycle?

Wadsworth panel's haven't been installed since the late 70's I would guess;)

One of the most aggravating things with earlier Wadsworth was when they tripped they didn't move the handle so you had no way of knowing which one tripped, but you could tell if you lightly tried to move the breaker to off as it would be the easiest one to move.
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What Cell phone are U using?

Casio GZ-One..or boulder....FYI if you get one...make sure the speaker is on the front of the phone...the last version has major software issues...I went through 7 of them I think before they finally gave me the latest and is also military spec'd so they hold up well. Verizon has them.

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The corrossion was very bad. This panel is in Greenville, SC....the closest thing we have to an ocean is the seagulls hanging out at the local dump. :grin:The corrosion was caused by water getting in everytime it rained. Duke Energy or Pike or whoever did their work when this was done...I gather in the 70's at the latest, forgot to put drip loops on the wire at the weatherhead. The meter can had some rust, but the hot lugs in the panel took the blunt of water.

This is an old mill house I bought to redo and resell. I thought the electrical might need some upgrading. :roll: Inside, the main offender is exposed NM going to nail on boxes that are exposed.

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