Cha Ching

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I do the same thing with my drawings. But I like going a step further. Putting the contact name and number of the POCO/Telephone/Cable TV representative on the drawings as well for coordination.

If I did that, I'm sure they would change their phone number between design and construction :)
Just an update guys. The engineer took full responsibility - apparently he hadn't checked with the poco to see what was available.
Load calc for service showed 516.6 Amps, so 600 Amp service is sufficient.
I billed the Owner and he billed the engineer - don't know if the Owner marked up tho.
All is well.
Late to the party but I have installed 2000 amp single phase resi services. When I told poco that the RUDD xformer couldnt hold such a load they told me "you worry about the service and we will worry about the xformer" So i said nuff said and put it in.
Been through this (A few times) - fortunately I got to learn the first one while under someone else - great learning experiance too.

So the next handfull of fiascos were well documented.
Late to the party but I have installed 2000 amp single phase resi services. When I told poco that the RUDD xformer couldnt hold such a load they told me "you worry about the service and we will worry about the xformer" So i said nuff said and put it in.

wow. never seen a single phase that big. pics ?
Just a thought.... The utilities here list 800A at 120/240 single phase in their fault current tables. Sometimes it's available, sometimes not. The people I can talk to at the POCOs are not the people who do the final POCO design. It is not unusual for the POCO design to take 6 weeks or more, and that's after someone signs a contract with them. No one is willing for me to hold a design waiting for the POCO design.

On the other hand I've had plans where I went with two services because the total was over 600A turned down in plan check because someone at a POCO told the reviewer that the POCO could special order a transformer that was bigger than their standard maximum size.

One of the on-going problems in these forums is that we all seem to think everywhere in the country does things exactly the same way they are done wherever we live. Some places I work I can get answers from the POCO quickly and accurately. Some places I can't. Assuming the EE can always work things like this out in advance may not be a safe bet.
wow. never seen a single phase that big. pics ?

That was the temp service for the construction for 8 yrs. A whole city of construction trailers. Type in google 281 daniels la sagaponack ny and hit the sattelite view. The perm service was a 13.2kv 3phase to a dual fed xformer I think 4000 amp at 480 . Just where the upside down question mark reaches the house and stops curving zoom in and look below tha freight train sized generator and all of the miniature sbstation equipment on the property.
Just to the NW of the greenhouse, to the NE of the private golf course, with two black dots on top? Looks bigger than my first house.
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