what should a qualifier do, need help

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South Florida
Im thinking about qualifing a new company, The owner seems very compentent in the business end of it and has some good cliente's, unfortunatly i have little expeirence in the business side of this and am not sure what i should be looking at in the business. PLEASE HELP.
as a qualifier,,,,,,IMO,,,,,you have NO business,,,,,,, in the business side of this company. Your name will be used for permits,,,,,,so you run jobs how you want it done,,,,,however,,,that does not affiliate you with the "books" in ANY WAY. The company should continue to operate the way it has normally,,,before you qualified them.
Read your state statutes and administrative code. It should outline the role and responsibility of the qualifying agent.

In any case, consult a good business lawyer and accountant.
as a qualifier,,,,,,IMO,,,,,you have NO business,,,,,,, in the business side of this company. Your name will be used for permits,,,,,,so you run jobs how you want it done,,,,,however,,,that does not affiliate you with the "books" in ANY WAY. The company should continue to operate the way it has normally,,,before you qualified them.

is it true, i will be completely liable if anything happens, lack of workers comp on employees, law suits and so on.
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