115 volt, three phase??

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Does anyone know why there is a 115 volt column in the horsepower-to-amps conversion chart in Table 430.250? This is a three phase AC motor table - why 115 volts?
I have never heard of 115 volt three phase motor. Is there such a thing? If so, how does it work? If not, why is there a column for 115 volt, three phase motors?
I have never heard of 115 volt three phase motor. Is there such a thing? If so, how does it work? If not, why is there a column for 115 volt, three phase motors?
I've seen 115V, 3ph, 400hz motors - aircraft and shipboard. But I've never seen a 115V, 3ph, 60hz motor. However, I suspect somewhere someone has (or has had) a 115V, 3ph, 60hz distribution system. Maybe they are museum pieces like 2phase motors.

As for how they work, it would be the same as any other three phase motor. The volts per turn is the same, so the winder would just divide the 460V coil in four parts and connect in parallel.

(I'm way out of my element as a motor winder, so consider that I have told you more than I know and it's time for me to stop):)

I have never heard of 115 volt three phase motor. Is there such a thing?
I have seen some a while back. They were on a piece of kit for Japan. I can't recall if they were 50Hz or 60 Hz but that's a bit of an irrelevance. No doubt there are some used elsewhere. Anyway, they exist.
If so, how does it work?
The same way a three-phase motor of any other voltage works.
And of the same type, of course - I'm assuming cage induction motors, but the comment would be applicable to other types as well.
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