brick veneer and NM cable (Romex)

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I always thought Romex or NM cable needed to be protected when ran to or through brick veneer? Or am I wrong. The NEC says in 334.12 (8), It cannot be surrounded by or enclosed by concrete mix of any type, also look at 334.12 (10)(b)&(c) and it will elaborate more. So why do electricians think it doesn't need to be protected?
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Can you give us an example ? I can't see too many Electricians running 'romex' in concrete

and it sounds like it is happening alot, so, lets have the skinny on this.
I always thought Romex or NM cable needed to be protected when ran to or through brick veneer? Or am I wrong. The NEC says in 334.12 (8), It cannot be surrounded by or enclosed by concrete mix of any type, also look at 334.12 (10)(b)&(c) and it will elaborate more. So why do electricians think it doesn't need to be protected?

334.12(B)(3) is what you are looking for.
"Embedded" is being installed before the material is poured,,,,,,,and b (3),,,,is referring to making a groove,,,,putting nm in it,,,,and skimming over the groove would be illegal. Drilling throught brick,,,,,and sticking NM through it, is PERFECTLY legal here, on the 05'. If you wanna make a grove and skim it, you gotta use AC cable. If you wanna embed, you gotta use ac cable
:confused: What about running loose NM behind a brick veneer (i.e. between the brick and block wall)? There is an open space, but typically there are metal straps that are embedded in the mortar joints that hold the veneer to the supporting wall. Pulling NM in this application could most certainly damage the NM insulation if it scrapes by the sharp-edged metal tabs...
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