Lets all work for free.....

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Senior Member
South Carolina
A friend of mine is building a 4 unit, 2650 sq.ft. apartment building. Each unit has a bedroom, bathroom, utility room for the water heater, kitchen, hall, and living room. He received a quote for $4000 to wire the whole thing. This would include 4 meter/20 circuit panel combos, 4 disconnects for water heaters, 4 arc faults, fridge circuit, dw circuit, and the rest to code. All inclusive except for light fixtures. The guy is a licensed electrician.

I may check his work out, get him to price it, and resell him at a profit. (assuming the work is good :grin:)

Sure it may be legal to ride that guy down the tube while you both laugh at him - but is it right? :roll: Even if you put a '1' in front of it - it is still pretty low. $4k might cover materials, if that... Or he is fishing this stuff out of a dump just to make better beer money than the scrap yard while he lives in his car out front?
Just because the guy wrote the scope properly doesn't mean it would be a good idea to use him. If he does accept the guys proposal, he might want to think about what he will do it the guy doesn't finish the job.
an oppertunity

an oppertunity

Even if the guy finishes the job, he wont have enough in the job to sue for payment. Id say hire him and let him get done then fire him. I'm pretty sure paperwork isn't his strong suite.
i've learned in the past few days that just because the guy is cheap doesn't mean he's losing money....he might be making a ton of profit on that job by having low overhead and being efficient...maybe he's perfected the system:roll:
i've learned in the past few days that just because the guy is cheap doesn't mean he's losing money....he might be making a ton of profit on that job by having low overhead and being efficient...maybe he's perfected the system:roll:

Are you saying that so long as he doesn't lose any wire nuts and drives around with a half tank of gas he will be just fine? :D
i've learned in the past few days that just because the guy is cheap doesn't mean he's losing money....he might be making a ton of profit on that job by having low overhead and being efficient...maybe he's perfected the system:roll:

Your right, he might have just enough gas in the van that he pushes it in the driveway at night.
A friend of mine is building a 4 unit, 2650 sq.ft. apartment building. Each unit has a bedroom, bathroom, utility room for the water heater, kitchen, hall, and living room. He received a quote for $4000 to wire the whole thing. This would include 4 meter/20 circuit panel combos, 4 disconnects for water heaters, 4 arc faults, fridge circuit, dw circuit, and the rest to code. All inclusive except for light fixtures. The guy is a licensed electrician.

I may check his work out, get him to price it, and resell him at a profit. (assuming the work is good :grin:)


Did you go over your friends quote? Permit included etc.?
i've learned in the past few days that just because the guy is cheap doesn't mean he's losing money....he might be making a ton of profit on that job by having low overhead and being efficient...maybe he's perfected the system:roll:

forgot to add, if they don't get the project done on time and on budget, then it's obviously a management problem...

Obviously, the real emahler was swept out to sea
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