weird question.

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Charlie Bob

Senior Member
West Tennessee
A customer told me , after i just finished a service upgrade, if i could caulk the holes on weather head to keep wasps from getting inside the house. He said that he done that to old ones.I told him i don't do that but if was he's call after inspection, he could it himself.
-does this sound odd to you all?
-Do you think it violates any NEC section?

they cant get in if you seal the lb with duxseal (like we're supposed too)
if it stops the air transfer it should stop bee's.....:D
A customer told me , after i just finished a service upgrade, if i could caulk the holes on weather head to keep wasps from getting inside the house. He said that he done that to old ones.I told him i don't do that but if was he's call after inspection, he could it himself.
-does this sound odd to you all?
-Do you think it violates any NEC section?


I would think being in West Tennessee you would be required to do what 300.7(A) say's?

this would take care of wasp entering the house via the panel conduit.;)
How would any wasps that manage to make it to the panel get out?

are you kidding, they can get through the smallest hole, crack you can imagine, Had one service change where they had made a nest in the space right under the panel, got through the little crack between the panel cover and drywall and panel cabnet.
How do the mice get into a panel, most times its the same way or even through an old un-used 1/2" conduit

I have seen bee's come up from the EGC pipe into the meter, they are a whole nother story, they can even bore through the Duct-seal:mad:
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