Gc sop?

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Senior Member
am I the only one who sees a pattern of GC's mismanaging jobs (no schedule for example) and then trying to make up for it by pushing the subs for more manpower?

unnecessary manpower at that....

seems to be very common these days....
No, your not the only one. Somebody here has a signature quote.
"Poor planning by you does not make it an emergecy for me." Some thing like that.

Some though are very good. Just like an thing else you got the good and the bad.
am I the only one who sees a pattern of GC's mismanaging jobs (no schedule for example) and then trying to make up for it by pushing the subs for more manpower?

unnecessary manpower at that....

seems to be very common these days....

If there is no timeline/schedule/critical path....what is the penalty for saying no/yes'ing them to death and doing what you feel is appropriate, etc.
Is there even a penalty/bonus clause?
What is your motivation/incentive?

Unless your holding up another craft or a grand opening ~ what's the GC's need to push?
Wish I knew who had that sig. :cool:
Okay so I missed quoted , I saaid poor planning. Which I think some one else has, too.

I had a GC call me this friday wanting me to put up three lights above a bar. He said the HO will be mad when they get back and their not up.
I said it's not my fault the job is behind (In a nice way)
If there is no timeline/schedule/critical path....what is the penalty for saying no/yes'ing them to death and doing what you feel is appropriate, etc.
Is there even a penalty/bonus clause?
What is your motivation/incentive?

Unless your holding up another craft or a grand opening ~ what's the GC's need to push?

you just figured out my SOP...:D

it just gets frustrating dealing with it time and time again....

i think they teach them at GC school that if you have a 2000 man hour job, just put 2000 men on it and be done in an hour....no problem
Pattern - these days.... It's been going on forever.

Sometimes I do my own for my own scope with blank start dates - just to let the GC know what one looks like. I've had a few say "WOW - how do you do that?" :roll: Never seen one before...
you just figured out my SOP...:D

it just gets frustrating dealing with it time and time again....

i think they teach them at GC school that if you have a 2000 man hour job, just put 2000 men on it and be done in an hour....no problem

2000 men on it. That reminds me. How and the world does the abc show. "House Make Over" Some times they tear the house down and build a new one. In three days. They did one here in Raleigh. And I know the Raleigh inspections office is not that fast.
"Just"....I got your ticket punched...for a long time now ;)

Tell me about it.
You should take your own advice.
Imagine what you could be doing if you just gave me the numbers I'm asking for.
yeah, i could get a job working for someone else just to cover you:D

i'm doing my part to keep 102 employed:D
One of my Mike Holt videos, He says "If everyone is dealing with the say issue then it's not a problem, It's only a problem if your the only one dealing with the issue"

Anyway you should see the cluster job I am on now. it would make you smile, or your pocket book fat.
I just love these contractors that wait till the last minute to get the house done in the last two days before closing.

the last one I was at, we had carpenters installing cabinets and trim, painters doing the walls, plumbers trying to get there sinks in, then I look out and see the carpet layers pulling up, that was when I picked up my tools and headed for the door, then the GC asked where I was going, I just said "I'm getting the heck out of here before the movers arrive with the furniture call me when there is some room to work" and I left.
417 River Rd Clifton:D


I was at the Barnes & Nobles over that way a week or so ago....

leaving, I got myself totally lost....

then like a beacon in a storm...there it was:


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