Single Family Service Upgrades

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Des Moines IA
It is my inderstanding and interpretation of the National Electric Code that when a single family residential service panel is upgraded that the provisions governing the installation of that panel must be met. Also, the installation of that panel will "trigger" additional requirements as set forth in Articles 210, 220, 230, 250 and so forth. Anyone else on the same page?
It is my inderstanding and interpretation of the National Electric Code that when a single family residential service panel is upgraded that the provisions governing the installation of that panel must be met. Also, the installation of that panel will "trigger" additional requirements as set forth in Articles 210, 220, 230, 250 and so forth. Anyone else on the same page?

No. Some jurisdictions do not require any updating as long as changing the service is the only thing done and nothing is added or replaced beyond the new panel. Some will want the bedrooms brought up to afci's. One jurisdiction I work in want the smoke detectors brought up to code but allow you to install batt. powered only units and do not require them to be interconnected.
There's no national consensus. Many AHJs in my area will allow the same size service panel to be replaced with no further requirements in regards to bringing any other parts of the dwelling up to code.

BUT, if you increase the service size, that invokes ro require compliance with all the new rules.

Oh, and welcome to the forum!

One thing is you really need to contact the local building official on this. If you do a lot of work simialr to this. You want to know what will trigger AFCI breakes. I have had one inspector say yes the other say no. Most say if it's a new circuit then the answer is yes. You don't want to bid a project where one guy includes them and the other does not.
It is my inderstanding and interpretation of the National Electric Code that when a single family residential service panel is upgraded that the provisions governing the installation of that panel must be met. Also, the installation of that panel will "trigger" additional requirements as set forth in Articles 210, 220, 230, 250 and so forth. Anyone else on the same page?

Not even in the same book.

Here in NJ, I can up the service and pretty much let everything else remain the way it is ~ we have a thing called the "Rehab Code" :)
It is my inderstanding and interpretation of the National Electric Code that when a single family residential service panel is upgraded that the provisions governing the installation of that panel must be met. Also, the installation of that panel will "trigger" additional requirements as set forth in Articles 210, 220, 230, 250 and so forth. Anyone else on the same page?

On the Left Coast not on same page either. rbj
In CH if you upgrade the service you have to have the poco bury the feed. At your cost. City Ordinance. Some thing to do with hurricanes and or ice storms and pine trees don't mix well.

A little trick , don't tell any body though. Say it is an emergency upgrade for the old panel failed in some way. Perhaps melted.
service change

service change

Down here in Broward County if you do a service change you must replace the sub feed cable if it is of the "SE" type cable( not having a isolated neutral).
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