website for decorative wallplates

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Señor Member
Former Child
went to install new recessed lighting in a partial kitchen remodel today.

i talked to the customer about replacing all of the devices and wallplates with something that would coordinate w/ the new tile backsplash.

she had already considered this and pointed me to this website

For about $20, they sent her a sample pack of ceramic wallplates to find a color that matched up w/ her new tile; she said its credited towards her final order.

anyhow, i've been perusing their website; they have nice things.

thought i'd share.
Thanks for the link LOL!

Hey, I hope your HO did not ask you to install the "humorous" wallplates! LOL

I will not link to the specific page out of respect, but you've got to check these out. Hit brantmacga's link and scroll down to humorous.:D
on a big house we wired they hired a faux painter to paint the receptacles and plates to match the tile they were mounted in. they came out beautiful but the price was sure to be high
I hope he used good paint because many times it comes out pretty crappy if you need to clean them.
on a big house we wired they hired a faux painter to paint the receptacles and plates to match the tile they were mounted in. they came out beautiful but the price was sure to be high
I wonder how much it would have cost them to have a real painter do the work.
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