How you all cover your...

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Charlie Bob

Senior Member
West Tennessee
I've been doing a lot of replacements, additions, clean-ups, etc in old houses (i've posted some pictures of some of them before), anyway I've seen stuff, as probably some of you all have as well, that would make you sick.
I was just wondering, what do you all do to make sure that you are covered.? I mean some of these places could burn down tomorrow from a electrical failure 5' away from one of my jobs. I usually take pictures of the place and sorrounding electrical wiring and such.
Is there anything else you all do?
You know you can scare the crap out of a customer if you make sing something to that effect, and probably all your customers would have to sign something all the time.
I've been doing a lot of replacements, additions, clean-ups, etc in old houses (i've posted some pictures of some of them before), anyway I've seen stuff, as probably some of you all have as well, that would make you sick.
I was just wondering, what do you all do to make sure that you are covered.?

If you are doing an addition make sure the job is permitted and this will let the inspector have a look at the place.

Any hazards that you see, write them up as a matter of concern for the homeowner. If it's a real hazard ( threat to life type) you can report it to the Fire Marshals Office.
Thats why we carry a million dollars in liability insurance. Nothing can prevent a lawsuit and nothing will prevent you from losing a suit.The best you can do is do everything to limit your exposure.Written contracts,spelled out scope of work, inspections and photos of job are all things that will aid in that goal.
from an inspectors standpoint, I can only emphasize what Growler and Rewire stated. Often folks ask why someone would bother with an inspection on jobs like those. Many contractors understand that in these situations we can be good insurance.
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