non-fixed island receptacle?

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Ft Myers,FL
I seem to remember there being some verbage regarding an exception for "non-fixed" kitchen island countertops...similar to CES rule 26-712(d)(iv).

If you have an island that is non-fixed how do you prevent damage to any conduits that are routed up from under-slab to your receptacle?
Ask the "Provisional Electrical Inspector" know...he just quotes from the book...forget about common sense.
We are all sheeple.

If the inspector is doing his job he is enforcing what is adopted code, no more no less. If you have a problem with this concept you need to educate yourself on how to make a proposal and go for it.

If you are stopped and ticketed for doing 55 MPH in a 55 MPH speed zone because the cop uses his common sense and figures if everybody was driving 25 it would be safer, would you pay the ticket and say "oh well"?

I used to wire houses for one contractor who was a bit of a genius at making I mean tables... that looked exactly like kitchen islands with toe kick and all. Except the toe kick sat about an eight'h of an inch above FF, and the whole gig on 4 castor wheels. You really had to stare to tell the difference. Fooled more than one inspector at final until I pushed it around. Why he bothered with this method instead of a regular island is what had me scratching my head, guess he figured one less outlet to pay me for.....
I would be hesitant to say a "non fixed" unit would not need a receptacle. In my home I have a ten foot island made from kitchen cabinets that is not fixed. It is not portable but when I changed the floor I found it was not fixed. This is not the first island I have seen like that. I would say if the unit is portable then it would not need a receptacle.
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