how do i politely tell an inspector that he is interpreting a code incorrectly?

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electrical contractor
This is for the inspector saying that all of the kitchen outlets that arent gfci IE: dw micro and refrigerator...He is saying these outlets must be either gfci???? or afci. This is not the way I read the code and not the way 3-4 of the surrounding county chief electrical inspectors are reading it(210.10) So how do i confront an inspector who automatically goes on the defense when he is questioned. I have been dealing with him for 11 years now. He was fired from other counties because he was getting too many complaints.
You must find out who his boss is at the state level. Then ask him to call the inspector to tell him.
You don't have to tell him he is wrong. Just say the state inspectors are interperting it a different way.

I had an inspector in a small town. He was still on 05 code. We had changed over a year ago. All I had to do was leave a letter on his desk. I asked him to call his boss (and I named him) at the state level.
Just tell him you disagree and that you would like another opinion. Then send a email to the head electrical inspector expressing your concern. It is not personal so don't make it personal when you write your email. In my opinion email is better than a phone call. Then it is all documented.
That might be a tall order but you might ask him for a conference and tell him that you would like him to go over the section with you and explain how he interprets what it says. Try not to challange him but if he won't change his mind you could go thru an appeal process and possibly go over his head. It would be better for future inspections if you could convince him to change his mind and not go over his head.
I agree with all replies. I am not confrontational by nature, especially with someone who could make my job a nightmare. I have eaten alot of crow already and am getting used to the taste.;)
I made the mistake once telling an inspector "I think you need to read your code book again":D Needless to say I was on his poopy list for quite a while.:mad:
Years ago, most inspectors did not like to be confronted in regards to their decision.
Today there are less inspectors who feel that way, and they also understand that the code and installations have become more complex.

Seeing as you and others seem to have had issues with this inspector for years, I would follow either of 3 processes to move on.

1. Just do what he says to make the job move on, as there is no time to loose on this particular job. (this was never my way of doing business)

2. Approach him personally and try to resolve the issue(s). This could be time consuming and a dead end street seeing as he has a bad track record.

3. Email his boss and cc him so he can see your method of resolve and wait for your answer from his boss. Again this may not be the fastest resolve, but lets him know you mean business, and are willing to protect yourself and your customer.

Make sure you are correct and present code sections and a detail of the installation, if not a picture(s) as well.
This is for the inspector saying that all of the kitchen outlets that arent gfci IE: dw micro and refrigerator...He is saying these outlets must be either gfci???? or afci. This is not the way I read the code and not the way 3-4 of the surrounding county chief electrical inspectors are reading it(210.10) So how do i confront an inspector who automatically goes on the defense when he is questioned. I have been dealing with him for 11 years now. He was fired from other counties because he was getting too many complaints.

Which code article(s) will you be using to support your position?
"Sir, while I understand what you are saying, I still have to respectfully tell you, I think you're an idiot".:grin::grin:

Of course you should smile while you're saying it.

Also make sure that you know all of the local amendments. I had a guy argure with me that he could just stub up a piece of rebar and ground to it as he did it every where else and it's per code. I politly told him that it is per code, just not our code and we require a concrete encased electrode, minimum #4 and I would be back later to check it for him.

Arguing with an inspector is fine, just make sure you're right first.
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You really can't interpret something incorrectly, you can interpret it in a way that's contrary to popular opinion. In the end an interpretation is decided by those with the most power.

If this inspector was a Supreme Court Judge then his interpretation would be correct or at least respected.

I find that most inspectors really don't care what you do but they do wish to cover themselves and keep their jobs. If you wish for a different interpretation then you must get a ruling from a higher official that in effect lets the inspector off the hook. If he has something in writing that covers his butt then he really won't care about it. Right know he's just doing what he thinks is best to cover himself.
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