unused swing jack doors

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Our company has unused swing jacks on the buss line that are not being used. They want to leave the doors open, with fuses removed. I told them that they can't do that and by code, unused jacks need to be removed from the buss. Where can the rule be found that deals with this issue. I think I am right, but I have to prove my statement. As always, thank you for the help.


I think the "swing jacks" can remain, provided:

If the entire conduits/wiring leaving it are removed, that the KO are plugged.

If the wiring and conuit remain, then the end of the wiring must be isolated, and in and enclosure suitable for the environment.

No electrical hazzards will exist. And if a future load is introduced in the area, there will be ready power to be obtained.

BUT. The doors must remain closed at all times.
What I meant to say, was the old disconnects on the buss. The older guys call them 'swing jacks'. They want to leave the doors open, showing there are no fuses in them. I don't feel that they can, but I can't find the standard.
What I meant to say, was the old disconnects on the buss. The older guys call them 'swing jacks'. They want to leave the doors open, showing there are no fuses in them. I don't feel that they can, but I can't find the standard.

I thought that was what you were referring to but I wanted to make sure since I have never heard that term. Take a look at NFPA70E 205.6 and Article 210. Instead of leaving the doors open I would open the switches and apply a padlock with a tag that reads "Out of Service".
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