How much? [Bids for Fun]

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Today's game:

Property: 2 apartments over 1 deli.
Issue: Smoked service

What we know:
150A 1? OH service, AL conductors
Insulation missing in two POA and in Main before CB.
Deli Meter melted jaw
Deli is OPEN 7 days a week....7 refrigeration/freeze units
Typical conditions of neutral/ground bonding beyond meter; doubled up wires on CBs, etc.
Overall basement conditions: FAIR

The pictures [apologizes for dismal quality]:


Through is behind 2 apt meters, condition of wiring: UNKNOWN


Insulation missing before main



Meter pan condition: Replace as per POCO




Not shown:
OH lateral comes down between 2 windows,
less than 3' to windows
triplex cable


At the POA splice, insulation is missing ~ if this is the same phase as the interior missing insulation: UNKNOWN.


Remove and replace existing AL conductors TEMPORARILY [*see below]
Install new 200A Meter Main Stack [Square D MP64200] and OH service.
Install new panels for:
- apartments [@60A each], appx 14 ckts total - all 20A SP
- deli [@150A], appx 17 15A SP; 7 20A SP; 2 20 2P; 1 60A 2P
- house panel [@60A] ?
- replace H20 ground
- install ground rods [none exist]

If the circuitry will allow for separating of common areas from tenent areas: UNKNOWN.

* Deli is open 7 days a week, multiple refrig/freeze unit - loss of revenue and inventory.

POCO will kill power to entire property if job is delayed/not started in a timely fashion...aka, ASAP, PDQ, NOW, TODAY


I'm working my magic now...what say you?
If you don't have a temp. panel from a job site, this might be a good time to build or borrow one. Then I would call Agreco and have them set up a genny. so that you can keep the beer in the coolers cold, and the store running. At some point, of course, you will need to swap out all the branch circuits to the new service equipment. I would add an extra couple K$ for the temp (not sure what that size genny. would rent out for for the week).

Wish I were still up there, I'd help you out! I'm trying to guess where you are by the picture of the deli front; Kearney, EWR, Bergen County, Essex County???
Without getting off my duff and looking?

$7500 minimum It's getting cold outside, need something to give me a warm fuzzy $$$ This is Alaska you Know!
If you don't have a temp. panel from a job site, this might be a good time to build or borrow one. Then I would call Agreco and have them set up a genny. so that you can keep the beer in the coolers cold, and the store running. At some point, of course, you will need to swap out all the branch circuits to the new service equipment. I would add an extra couple K$ for the temp (not sure what that size genny. would rent out for for the week).

Wish I were still up there, I'd help you out! I'm trying to guess where you are by the picture of the deli front; Kearney, EWR, Bergen County, Essex County???

Temp will amount to ripping out the old conductors [hopefully] and pulling in new 2/0 AL.

This job is in Hudson County....borderline "hood" area of town.

After careful analysis- Tree fiddy.

tree-fiddy doesn't compute over here....only over there :grin:

Without getting off my duff and looking?

$7500 minimum It's getting cold outside, need something to give me a warm fuzzy $$$ This is Alaska you Know!


I ball park it at around 10K. If you set up temp. and gen. and look at maybe some after hours change over.

Getting Warmer...

How about MANHOURS ?
I'm at 57.25 [including permit filing and inspections]
17K we did something like this, so I looked at the actuals. Today cost might be a bit more.

I came up with $13,697.45 w/ $1262.20 included for temp.

We'll see what the property owner says....little bit of an issue with the deli tenant not thinking his electric had anything to do with this.:roll:
Deli Meter melted jaw
Deli is OPEN 7 days a week....

Install new panels for:
- apartments [@60A each], appx 14 ckts total - all 20A SP
- deli [@150A], appx 17 15A SP; 7 20A SP; 2 20 2P; 1 60A 2P
- house panel [@60A] ?
I'd opt for 100a for each unit, and 200a for the deli. The house panel depends on your needs, but the SqD link seems to suggest a 100a minimum.
How what ?:-?

How'd the jaw get baked or how do they operate 7 days a week?

I'd opt for 100a for each unit, and 200a for the deli. The house panel depends on your needs, but the SqD link seems to suggest a 100a minimum.

The apts. are really tiny....maybe 1 Central A/C...I didn't even notice window shakers....bumping them to 100A is not a big deal...the cable/conductors will be rated at 100A...

The deli is not getting 200A.
IMHO, it does not warrant that much.
I am running 200A rated cable/conductors.....just in case and for future needs ;)

I selected this stack knowing the service can be upgraded with minimal effort and costs at a later date if need be.
How what ?:-?

How'd the jaw get baked or how do they operate 7 days a week?
How do they operate with a burned lug? Of course, it may be still working; you didn't say.

The apts. are really tiny....maybe 1 Central A/C...I didn't even notice window shakers....bumping them to 100A is not a big deal...the cable/conductors will be rated at 100A...

The deli is not getting 200A.
IMHO, it does not warrant that much.
I am running 200A rated cable/conductors.....just in case and for future needs ;)

I selected this stack knowing the service can be upgraded with minimal effort and costs at a later date if need be.
I noticed that the stack states 100 to 200a, which is why I mentioned the 100a minimum, and I figured on the 200a breaker now to avoid future additional cost and labor charges, and having to pull the meter for that.

Of course, if you're concerned about getting called back to do that additional work later, and they might not call you if/when the time comes, get a little more for installing 200a now, and explain the "future savings."
The first thing to do on this pretend job is to some up with the actual load will be, and take it from there, some small shops can require a large load.
How do they operate with a burned lug? Of course, it may be still working; you didn't say.

Probably arching and sparking happily away...until it failed:grin:

I noticed that the stack states 100 to 200a, which is why I mentioned the 100a minimum, and I figured on the 200a breaker now to avoid future additional cost and labor charges, and having to pull the meter for that.

Of course, if you're concerned about getting called back to do that additional work later, and they might not call you if/when the time comes, get a little more for installing 200a now, and explain the "future savings."

I went back an re-read the specs after you mentioned that :roll:
I had the right idea ~ just not all the info squared away.

...and left w/o many OCPD options, Larry's way is what's happening
....the deli may even get that 200A. ...temp cable will be re-used, price difference between a 100A - 150A - 200A is $0.00.

Maybe I can even get the POCO to up the amps and parallel the service.

The first thing to do on this pretend job is to some up with the actual load will be, and take it from there, some small shops can require a large load.

Tell me when you are available to talk to the middle eastern gentlemen who run this store....their English leaves much to be desired.

So my 12 grand gut reaction wasn't too high after all?'s a lot closer to reality than my "no-pen-6k".
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