Emergency Generator

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Senior Member
New York City
Hello everyone.
In the building were I am working right now is going to be a college.
The building have a Emergency Generator.
700.9 D 1 require the wire be integrity protected for not less than 1 hour.
Do the THHN wire inside a rigid conduit meet the requirement?.or I have to run RHHN wire due to we don't have any pipe underground.

An artical on the topic...

Ok this is a very good information ,but the code require only 1hr fire rate for feed circuits on Emergency Generators and I don't have clear idea what that means!!! It is only for feeders? not for BC or is for both.

700.9 D(1) 
[COLOR="Black"]Feeder-Circuit Wiring[/COLOR]. Feeder-circuit wiring shall meet one of the following conditions:     See related ROP Staff Note  

(1) tabspacerBe installed in spaces or areas that are fully protected by an approved automatic fire suppression system    

(2) tabspacerBe a listed electrical circuit protective system with a minimum 1-hour fire rating See related UL  

FPN: UL guide information for electrical circuit protection systems (FHIT) contains information on proper installation requirements to maintain the fire rating.  

(3) tabspacerBe protected by a listed thermal barrier system for electrical system components See related UL  

(4) tabspacerBe protected by a listed fire-rated assembly that has a minimum fire rating of 1-hour and contains only emergency wiring circuits. See related UL  

Changed From 2005  

?tabspacer700.9(D)(1)(4): Revised to require that fire-rated assemblies protecting emergency circuits contain emergency wiring.  

(5) tabspacerBe embedded in not less than 50 mm (2 in.) of concrete    

(6) tabspacerBe a cable listed to maintain circuit integrity for not less than 1 hour when installed in accordance with the listing requirement
NEC related note

NEC related note

Staff Note for 700.9(D)(1)

The proper operation of emergency electrical systems is critical for densely populated occupancies and for high-rise occupancies. If feeders and equipment are located in buildings that are fully protected by an approved fire suppression system (such as an automatic sprinkler system that meets the requirements of NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems), no further fire protection techniques are generally required. Additional fire suppression systems are included in NFPA 11, 12, 12A, 15, 17, and 2001, and listed assemblies and components are found in various UL directories.
Sheetrock walls can be a "listed - 1 hour rated assembely"... The promotion of fire-rated cable in that article has it's merits as well, and the use of MI cable would be full-blown over-kill in the eyes of many.

So if you have sprinklers... 1 hour walls... - you may talk to your AHJ. If you want to go further RHN cable as well...

And I don't believe that this includes the branch wiring - but most of the places this branch wiring would be the walls would be rated, and quite possibly served by sprinklers as well... Someone else will pop in to correct me on that if required.... ;)
The building where I'm working now is fully protected with fire sprinkler system that means we can use regular wiring methods without any special requirement we only have to keep everything separete from regular power circuits.
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