Meter Base Install Question

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mike n

I have to install a three gang meter base.Every time in the past,I would simply feed into the back side of meter base.With this method I would utilize SER type cable and connectors.Does anyone see a violation with this method?
What if I were to sleave out of the back with PVC? Would I have to use a female adapter and connector once I got into the building?
No sleeve required, but I do it often when going through brick or masonry. And no connector and clamp required if yo do sleeve it, however, I'v done that too in certain situations to meet requirements of securing.
I use SER when the service is for a two or three unit building.I install a meterbase with provisions for main breakers (condo pack).This way from the load side of the CB I whip up to the unit's panel.
I use SER when the service is for a two or three unit building.I install a meterbase with provisions for main breakers (condo pack).This way from the load side of the CB I whip up to the unit's panel.

I see, that makes perfect sense if there's main breakers. I thought you ran SER to JUST a meter base. I was wondering! Everything sounds good.
In that case, Mike, just do what you would normally do in the same type of construction, times three. Cable clamps are fine in my opinion.
My main issue was with the SER with clamp into the back of base.I often wondered if it was legal.Was clamp considered outdoors? Rating of clamp for this use,ect.
My main issue was with the SER with clamp into the back of base.I often wondered if it was legal.Was clamp considered outdoors? Rating of clamp for this use,ect.

We've had the same discussion about NM coming in the back of a box mounted directly on a exterior wall. Is that legal? The NM is questionable in some cases, BUT in your case, the SER is rated for outdoors, so it's fine. I have wondered a few times,,,,the connectors they give me at my supply shop for SE and SER are the same, and do not fit SER very well, IMO. So I see where you're coming from, but I think it's fine.
I have wondered a few times,,,,the connectors they give me at my supply shop for SE and SER are the same, and do not fit SER very well, IMO.
No, they don't. I rarely use SE clamps, and 4/0 SE certainly doesn't need a 2" KO. I opt for the round-cable kind of 2-screw cable clamps for SER. I have no trouble fitting a 4/0 al SER through a 1.5" round-cable clamp.
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