Well next question would you see a problem with this locked rotor rated breaker if installed in a switchboard of other loads on emergency .
Maybe a power outage issue like if generator failed do to a short circuit in fire pump lites out due high breaker size ?
Meaning all emergency lost ?
695.3(A) states we only need one reliable source if it can carry the lock rotor current to the fire pump indefinitely, and is protected from a fire in the building that it protects, listed in 695(A)(1) or (A)(2)
If not reliable then we must supply the fire system from more then one source listed in 695.3(B)
695(B)(1) Generator Capacity. An on-site generator(s) used to comply with this section shall be of sufficient capacity to allow normal starting and running of the motor(s) driving the fire pump(s) while supplying all other simultaneously operated load. Automatic shedding of one or more optional standby loads in order to comply with this capacity requirement shall be permitted. A tap ahead of the on-site generator disconnecting means shall not be required. The requirements of 430.113 shall not apply.
695(B)(1) require that if a generator is used, it must have the capacity to allow the normal starting and running of the pumps, and other loads or we are allowed to use automatic load shedding to achieve this.
Here is where the confusion get tougher.
695.4 Continuity of Power. in the paragraph under (3) it says for systems installed under the provisions of 695.3(B)(2) only!
But if we look at 695.3(B)(2) we find it is for feeders from separate utility services not generators?
So this leaves me to believe the second sentence in 695.4 paragraph is for 695.3(B)(1)
Over current protective devices between an on-site standby generator and a fire pump controller shall be selected and sized according to 430.62 to provide short-circuit protection only. All disconnecting devices and over current protective devices that are unique to the fire pump loads shall comply with 695.4(B)(1) through (B)(4).
Which would require short circuit protection only of conductors sized in 430.62
Short circuit protection and over current protection are two different things and short circuit protection will be much higher for the same sized conductors.