How to: Repair crushed POCO secondary

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chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
I'm pretty disgusted on a Friday night compiling my reports for the week seeing the quality of work here. This is one of 8 parallel conduits serving a midrise condo. Pity you if you need to pull wire through this in the future.


As a bonus, this is what I found earlier this week.

Where is the home run???


Oh, here it is.

Wow, two zingers like those in one week. Yeah, you definitely need a break!:cool:

So did the wire fault in that duct bank? Or did you just happen upon it digging for something else?
For what it's worth the NEC does not ......... can not ........ require a ribbon above power company secondaries that are under the control of the utility.

See 90.2(B)(5)(a).

The laterals are customer owned.(I see my OP is misleading) But that brings up the question as to wether ribbon is required over conduit.

300.5(D)(3) Service Conductors.
Underground service conductors that are not encased in concrete and that are buried 450 mm (18 in.) or more below grade shall have their location identified by a warning ribbon that is placed in the trench at least 300 mm (12 in.) above the underground installation.
The laterals are customer owned

It matters not who owns them, it matters who has control over them. I am willing to be the 'service point' is at the building this serves and not at the transformer.

The NEC stops and starts at the 'service point', typically at the weather head for service drops and at the service disconnect / metering for service laterals.

It is not unusual for us to run the conduit and conductors from pad mount to service gear but that work will be inspected by the utility and not the municipal wiring inspector.
So did the wire fault in that duct bank? Or did you just happen upon it digging for something else?

No fault, we were trying to suck strings through two 3" from tranny to marina service. We found one just cut in the ground, no tape. We were following the conduits to find the other end and repair.

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