Stranded or Solid

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Yeah I have a huge helper. No I will be pulling some control wires about 300' and it will be #12 was wondering if it makes a difference.
Yeah I have a huge helper.



It's good to see a sense of humor.

No I will be pulling some control wires about 300' and it will be #12 was wondering if it makes a difference.

JB's and pull points are usually the bane of a solid wire pull.

If the run is laid out in a manner to minimize pull points - and the points are arranged where laying out 150' x? conductors won't be the world's largest ball of pasta ~ go for it.

Personally, I dislike solid wire pulls [especially when they are XHHW :mad:].

The bigger question might be:
Can you terminate the solid conductor in an efficient manner?
Stranded sometimes works better with sta-cons.
I will be pulling some control wires about 300' and it will be #12 was wondering if it makes a difference.

300' is not really a long pull. But you can still make it hard or easy on yourself. Use the right pull rope ( not a little 1/4 nylon ) and make the the head staggered and flexable. And don't be afraid of wire lube. Get the good stuff because it cleans off better than old yellar. Just get a bag of rags to clean off the wire and you are good to go.

Control wire is normally spected to be standed anyway.

I don't know why but some electricians that I have met hate to use wire lube but I think it's wonderful stuff. It's even required in many job specs.
What kind of vacuum do you use to get the line in?

You could spend money [$1000+] on a "system" like the Greenlee 690:

....or just a standard 16 gal. wet/dry vac at Big Box for under $100.

Sure it doesn't have all the attachments of a "system"....but sucking and blowing string thru a tube isn't exactly a complicated process.

You could also blow a string thru a pipe with compressed air.
You have to use a bigger sock on the larger conduits.

I prefer the Taco Bell bags for 2" and the HD bags for up to 5".

It is amazing how far you can suck a line.

Agreed. It is actually easier to suck p-line into a larger diameter conduit b/c there is more pull on the string. I was setting up some 5" runs that were 8' in the ground (asphalt plant), and got many gallons of water out of those things. That's always a nasty business. Glad it was OT. Don't seem to get any of that nowadays.
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