Private Messaging Glitch?

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George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Hospital Master Electrician
Has anyone else noticed that sometimes when you reply to a PM, the Forum software forgets who you were replying to? Or is it just me?

(Bear in mind, a few of you, I was trying to get it to do it again, so sometimes it didn't screw up and just sent a PM.)
Has anyone else noticed that sometimes when you reply to a PM, the Forum software forgets who you were replying to? Or is it just me?

(Bear in mind, a few of you, I was trying to get it to do it again, so sometimes it didn't screw up and just sent a PM.)

No problems here George. What do you see when you hit submit?
Don't Know

Don't Know

I might be wrong but I beleive your a MAC, I'm not going there!


I will remind you that with three - five different IE's out there and then the Linux and 0S-8... anything can happen. IF I got that right... I'm on 6.0 IE, Right now...

I just "arrow Back", sometimes with Luck the message is there sometimes per OS and IE, anything could happen... For me it's usually that I forgot to address the PM... :roll:
Has anyone else noticed that sometimes when you reply to a PM, the Forum software forgets who you were replying to? Or is it just me?
It's not just me! Yay! :grin:

I thought I had been hitting the forward instead of the reply.

Whew! :roll:

I'm using W2K and Firefox.
I thought I was the last one using W2K. When W7 comes out I'm going to get a new PC.
I switched to PC from Mac because my Performa 6400 wouldn't run OS-X, and I couldn't afford both a new computer and all the new Mac software I'd have to buy.

This computer is a P4 w/ 2G of RAM, twin Pioneer DVD burners, and on-board GigaBit networking, It's a Dell PowerEdge 400SC, and was designed to be a server.

I have plenty of software on it, and I don't think I paid anything for 99% of it. I think I'd rather start using Ubuntu or another Linux than any newer MS software.
It's not just me! Yay! :grin:

I thought I had been hitting the forward instead of the reply.

Whew! :roll:

I'm using W2K and Firefox.


I was the last die hard to upgrade to XP, but that only was when Yahoo, and a few Macro programs stopped supporting, 98se. and after XP was in S.E.

But I have retained 6.0 Explore, and when I bought this new computer from dell a couple months ago, I did a demand OS revert back to XP-PRO 3-ed, but still with Explore 6.0, I'll wait till Windows 7 is released with SE before I jump again.

Main pages are not automaticly updated, so I have to refresh each time.
I switched to PC from Mac because my Performa 6400 wouldn't run OS-X, and I couldn't afford both a new computer and all the new Mac software I'd have to buy.

My first computer was a Performa 450. I miss it, wish I still had it sometimes. :)

I'm using Firefox and Mac 10.5.8.

Chris Kennedy said:
What do you see when you hit submit?
View attachment 3814

You don't have to actually go back, you just retype the name. It's like hitting the preview post button, you can still edit it and the message is still there.
This computer is a P4 w/ 2G of RAM, twin Pioneer DVD burners, and on-board GigaBit networking, It's a Dell PowerEdge 400SC, and was designed to be a server.

Athlon 1400 with 256 meg. Old Geforce2 GTS video card.

It works ok, just the C-drive is filled (10 Gig) and if I start buying new stuff, I might as well go all new.
George ............ are you sure you did not hit the 'forward' button instead of the reply button?

I'm only asking cause I have done that before and wondered why I got that message.
micrisoft soft has had some junk systems ,98 was ok in its time, mil. was garbage and big embarrasment to them. so is 2000 and vista. I had no choice on lap top as it comes only with vista and no drivers to change it to xp,and fixing to get off vista on this tower as it is nothing but slow and junk . XP ,XP PRO is best they ever came up with. I run 13 computers and 3 are on vista and pain in the ---. I would never bye a mac , that is like being stupid enough to buy a beta recorder when vhs was the winner. Go ahead and blast away------------------
It happens to me occasionally [Vista & FF 3.5.3].

Typically, I hit "reply" ...if the recipients name isn't there, the nag screen appears ...I just copy the recipients name from the quoted reply.
This is the dell, I got just after my wedding:

Dell, XPS 630, Pentium extr. quad core, 8 gig's mem r-dram 1066
twin NVIDA-9800 GT SLI
2-521 gig 10k rpm, SATA- RAID-0 preformance with 4 gig's Cache each. for a total of 1 terabyte storage.
and to much more to list.

In the one photo, note how big the cooling tower is for that Pentium.

The power supply for the tower is 1400 watt, and produces so much heat it heats my computer room/office,

4 years extra warranty/hazard insurance w/ next day repair.
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I thought I was the last one using W2K. When W7 comes out I'm going to get a new PC.

Isn't that this month? The 22nd, maybe? Anyway, I got Vista just b/c my last computer died and I got the cheapest, reasonably powerful machine I could get. Didn't have to get a new monitor, but got a 22" inch to replace the very old CRT I had. Had a MAC once, about 1990. Paid good money for it. Yeah, Vista is rough.
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