kWH to Amp Usage

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Hi I hoping to find out the formula to go from Kwh peak usage in a month of 2,706 KWH to actual amperage usage in a church ( single phase 240VAC) and peak usage in a month of 9,200KWH in a liquor store to actual amperage (3 Phase). Question is I want to find out if I have to upgrade on either service to higher amperage load center. Church has a 240 VAC delta 3 phase service which means that b phase can not be use for any 120vac load. the liquor store is 3 phase Y service which everyphase can be use for 120vac loads.

Thanks for comments.
You cannot determine peak amps from only kWh values. kWh is a total cumulative value of energy, Amps is a level of consumption. Even if you get the average kW, that still tells you nothing about the peak level at any given moment.

It's like saying "I want to know the fastest speed I drove on a 3000 mile cross country trip that took me 5 days."

You could have driven 1 hour at 1500 MPH , stopped for 4 days, 22 hours and then drove another hour at 1500MPH.

Or you could have driven 5 days at 60MPH without stopping once.

The total, and the average, is the same.
Ok I see, I was trying to determine in each property the peak amps using the monthly electrical bill. Each of the ocupancies is a mix between commercial and residential with only one service to each. The liqour store is adding a mother in law suite and the church is adding stage lights with 6 bank controller.
Ok I see, I was trying to determine in each property the peak amps using the monthly electrical bill.
You can't.
For at least a couple of reasons.
As Jraef has noted, you can't determine peak kW from the aggregate kWh which is what the bill gives.
And you can't determine current from kW alone.
Well powermeters (portable) are meant for these purposes They record peak amps, Kw.Kva, kwh etc on duration set by you. ( one month, one week,one day one hour..etc).

The data can be exported as comma separated file (.csv file) and Ms Excel does the rest.

I use Kyoritsu Model 6300 for this purpose.

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