portable generator 445.20

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i wired a new house with a 200 amp transfer switch for a potable generator the inspector said i have to switch the neutrals what code does this fall under? code book referance 445.20 but my code book only goes to 445.19what is the purpose for this and how do you ground the generator neutral since on a portable generator the neutral goes back to the windings and the only ground lug on most portable generators is for the frame only, where does the neutral ie grounded conductor get grounded
i wired a new house with a 200 amp transfer switch for a potable generator the inspector said i have to switch the neutrals what code does this fall under? code book referance 445.20 but my code book only goes to 445.19what is the purpose for this and how do you ground the generator neutral since on a portable generator the neutral goes back to the windings and the only ground lug on most portable generators is for the frame only, where does the neutral ie grounded conductor get grounded

What code did "he" site as a violation?
he didnt quote any code violation he assume the transfer switch was for a fixed generator

Unless you want to be pushed around by every inspector that just don't like you.

You need to have him site a code violation.

One of my first jobs was held up because the inspector didn't like the floor box from Walker that the engineer specified, UL listed, with a fire rating stamped on it. He said, "I just don't like it".

After getting cut sheets and letters from Walker, he said change it.

Finally I got in his face and said, "okay, exactly what code am I violating"?

He looked at me with hate and said, "where is the job card"?

2 weeks waisted because this guy hated me.
We've had discussions on this subject a long time ago. Check back in the archives and you may find some helpful info.

Anyway, from what I remember (and I could be wrong - can't wait to get jumped on for this) if the manufacturer didn't bond the neutral to the casing of the generator then the neutral essentially floats. This basically becomes a separately derived system (SDS). In that case you'll have to transfer the neutral.

Just curious, how big is the portable generator and why are you switching the entire 200 amp service ? Most of these portable generators are not able to provide you with the total electrical convenience that normal POCO supplied electricity can. Is it necessary to have both your central air conditioning units, electric cook-top and oven, microwave, etc. running during a power failure ? If it's a small unit and your customer starts loading it down during a power fail condition it will eventually crap out.
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