Senior Member
- Location
- Columbus, OH
Any reason not to place ground wire from service entrance in conduit on way to ground rod? Me thinks it would look better.
Can't the inside ground to the water pipe be used for the cable, phone, etc?
250.94 Bonding for Other Systems.
An intersystem bonding termination for connecting intersystem bonding and grounding conductors required for other systems shall be provided external to enclosures at the service equipment and at the disconnecting means for any additional buildings or structures. The intersystem bonding termination shall be accessible for connection and inspection. The intersystem bonding termination shall have the capacity for connection of not less than three intersystem bonding conductors. The intersystem bonding termination device shall not interfere with opening a service or metering equipment enclosure. The intersystem bonding termination shall be one of the following:
(1) A set of terminals securely mounted to the meter enclosure and electrically connected to the meter enclosure. The terminals shall be listed as grounding and bonding equipment.
(2) A bonding bar near the service equipment enclosure, meter enclosure, or raceway for service conductors. The bonding bar shall be connected with a minimum 6 AWG copper conductor to an equipment grounding conductor(s) in the service equipment enclosure, meter enclosure, or exposed nonflexible metallic raceway.
(3) A bonding bar near the grounding electrode conductor. The bonding bar shall be connected to the grounding electrode conductor with a minimum 6 AWG copper conductor.
...........(For the detail-oriented, that's a 3/4" x 10 ft, rod, so the clamp does grab it securely as shown. The top of the rod is undamaged because the rod is bent, laid in a 30" trench, and bedded in concrete. So much rod is visible because the trench has not been filled as yet.)
don't ground rods have to be driven???
don't ground rods have to be driven???
Suppose that my service disconnect and meter were in another building (and I am in this building with a subpanel), I would have to attach my intersystem bonding termination device to the GEC (using a split bolt and short piece of #6 wire) that goes to the ground rod(s), the GEC (using a split bolt and short piece of #6 wire) to the main water pipe or mount it to the side of the subpanel, is that correct?
250.94 Bonding for Other Systems.
An intersystem bonding termination for connecting intersystem bonding and grounding conductors required for other systems shall be provided external to enclosures at the service equipment and at the disconnecting means for any additional buildings or structures.........
don't ground rods have to be driven???