Price per can fixture?

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Believe it or not we have a guy here in central New Jersey Advertising 79.99 a can. 4 or more cans you get a free dimmer. Now you tell me how anyone can compete with that. IM SICK TO MY STOMACH!!!!!!!!:mad:

Have him do your lights, and it will end up costing you closer to $900 I give him credit the ad gets him in the door.
$75 in south florida ,
and I saw a car today with a door magnet sign that said HANDYMAND $13 hour , I bet he can install it for 30 bucks
Here's an ad for installing recessed can lights in my area that I came accross a little while back.

XXXXX Electric serving the Utah Wasatch Front for the last 17 years. Licensed and insured, commercial, residential, and Industrial. This months special 6 RECESSED FIXTURES INSTALLED FOR $300.,ANY ROOM IN THE HOUSE. In existing ceilings with no sheet rock damage or mess. Work done by master electrician. All work is guaranteed. Includes, 6" white baffle trims, and 65 watt floods. IC rated, meaning insulation can be right up against them. Other recessed fixtures and trims available.
Here's an ad for installing recessed can lights in my area that I came accross a little while back.

XXXXX Electric serving the Utah Wasatch Front for the last 17 years. Licensed and insured, commercial, residential, and Industrial. This months special 6 RECESSED FIXTURES INSTALLED FOR $300.,ANY ROOM IN THE HOUSE. In existing ceilings with no sheet rock damage or mess. Work done by master electrician. All work is guaranteed. Includes, 6" white baffle trims, and 65 watt floods. IC rated, meaning insulation can be right up against them. Other recessed fixtures and trims available.
I remember you posting this awhile back. I just threw up in my mouth for the second time. Thanks:)
Old work recess lighting is not a cookie cutter job, each job will have different conditions, so pricing it like a hard goods item is more of a door breaker then an actual sale price, however, a lot of EC's will see these ad's and assume that is some kind of area pricing, and they will try to match the offers, with old work it is best to take a good look at the job and consider all the conditions, including the switch circuits, you would be supprised how many old work recess jobs we service, for problems, where some get, in get out guys bootleged the switch circuit, or overload the circuit, We found the average recess old work light install was anywhere from 225 to 300 ea depending on trim, and location, you will always find someone willing to work of wages or less, if your idea is earn a living wage, and some benifits, while building a business, you may need to price to meet that goal.
Old work recess lighting is not a cookie cutter job, each job will have different conditions, so pricing it like a hard goods item is more of a door breaker then an actual sale price, however, a lot of EC's will see these ad's and assume that is some kind of area pricing, and they will try to match the offers, with old work it is best to take a good look at the job and consider all the conditions, including the switch circuits, you would be supprised how many old work recess jobs we service, for problems, where some get, in get out guys bootleged the switch circuit, or overload the circuit, We found the average recess old work light install was anywhere from 225 to 300 ea depending on trim, and location, you will always find someone willing to work of wages or less, if your idea is earn a living wage, and some benifits, while building a business, you may need to price to meet that goal.
Good advice one again! Thanks!:)
First can $285 plus switch, second $165 then $125 ea. with bulb & trim.

I'm not as organized as this but I discount with quantities. I think I did two at around $375 (both, not each) a few years ago and it wasn't enough. I'd be in the neighborhood of $300 for the first and $175 each after the first. Maybe another $350 for a switch leg and dimmer.
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I charge between $120 and $160 for 6" ICAT, one piece AT cone, 130V 60W lamp.

I knew I was too cheap.

Seen a van parked at a gas station for advertising purposes (at Balboa and the 118 freeway in beautiful San Fernando Valley) with a big sign on top, $60 a can.

I am sure you would get what you pay for.

There are several electricians in the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles advertising cans at $65 each. There's usually about 10 ads per day on Craigslist (Dregslist) advertising $65. I've looked into these guys in great detail, and most are unlicensed and those that are licensed have names I could not pronounce. Draw your own conclusions there.

Los Angeles is a hotbed of fly-by-night electrical contractors offering absurd prices. I don't even install cans any more.
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