Installing a thermostat on gas logs?

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I have someone wanting me to install a thermostat on gas logs. Actually a cast iron heater with gas logs inside. New install, but not by me. It has a flame adjustment but no actual thermostat for room temperature. It has an on/off switch which toggles between pilot and the flame. It has a set of wires (tied together) for a remote control on/off switch.

They want something simple so it will cut on/off because they are old and have to get up to turn it off and on. And they don't want a remote because they will wake up hot or cold.

Will I be in violation of any codes by installing a thermostat next to or on the heater? It will not be accurate for actual room temps but they can adjust it to the temps they are comfortable at. That is what they want. They don't want me to drill holes in the fireplace and install the thermostat in a location that would actually control room temperature.

In other words they would have to kind of fool around with it to get the setting they want since it will be warmer at the heater than the actual room temp.
My sister has one that is controled via a t-stat ,.. if I remember right there was distance considerations ,.... I would find out the name and number and google for the instructions
This sounds like a job for the gas company.;)
Is their any way to install a fan kit to it? That would be easier to controll.

It has a fan kit, it turns on and off by the temp of the heater. But the flame is either on or off. It gets very hot in the room after the flame runs a while.

I think they bought a heater that was meant to be something for a single guy wanting to have a little crackling fireplace when he had a girl over!

They are using it for the only source of heat in their living room. It is an old house, built in the 40's I think. It doesn't have a furnace, only baseboard heat which they are afraid to use.

They heat the rest of the house with another set of logs at another fireplace. It has a thermostat to turn them on/off.
take the two wires for a remote switch and attach them to a LV Tstat. set it. keep the stat lower than the heat source so you have some temp. range available to it. It should work.
take the two wires for a remote switch and attach them to a LV Tstat. set it. keep the stat lower than the heat source so you have some temp. range available to it. It should work.

Thanks iMuse97, I know it will work, I just don't want a problem with codes down the road, if you know what I mean? If something happens beyond my control I don't want the fire department to say "improper installation of equipment" causes death of couple in their 80's!

Will I violate the UL? NEC? Or anything else?
Anything that was legal with just an on and off switch should be legal on T stat. I would hope it has something internal to govern a max temp. I would mount this T stat atleast 10 feet away and better if it near the people. They are likely spending far more than needed to do it this way over base board heaters. They are old so no point in trying to educate them. Have seen huge 500 sq ft room in PA. heated by just a wood burning fireplace all winter long. Wasnt fantastic but i really enjoyed living there for the winter. Was on top of a mountain so to speak in the woods. Like most things i only remember the good part.

For safety why not put a switch in series so has a positive off when needed
Most gas logs I've seen are rated for "decorative use" and not "space heating". I wouldn't install an external thermostat unless the manufactures installation instructions says it is OK. The thermostat may allow the logs to operate under conditions they are not designed for.
We do these all the time, and just run an 18/2 CL2 thermostat wire over to a wall away from the fireplace, almost all the manufactures supply the wire, switch, and sometimes even a nail on box to put it in, and in every instructions I have seen they even tell you how to use a thermostat in place of the switch.

these connections are powered off a pile, or thermo couple, and are in the MV range, But as someone said, distance can be a problem if the run to the stat is too long, or the wire too small, as it don't take much of a voltage drop when your in the MV range. also keep from running parallel with other power conductors, as there can be enough voltage induced that might make the circuit stay on, had that problem once.
We do these all the time, and just run an 18/2 CL2 thermostat wire over to a wall away from the fireplace, almost all the manufactures supply the wire, switch, and sometimes even a nail on box to put it in, and in every instructions I have seen they even tell you how to use a thermostat in place of the switch.

Wait a minute, aren't you the same guy who said we are not insured to do controls?:grin:

Because many of us have liability insurance that only covers us doing electrical building type work.

If an appliance has water or Gas ran to it, it's off limits to us to hook up gas, water, or controls, as if something was to happen, our insurance would not cover it. HV (120/240v) supply to it, and that is as far as it goes.;)
That's why I asked. I was going to recommend the same (or similar) device.

I finally got over there to check it out. The plug in thermostat won't work, the power is for the fan only. I contacted the place where they bought it and they can get a remote with a built in thermostat. $110 ouch! They said order it, so I did.

I mounted a temporary thermostat on the wall next to the fireplace. It will at least make them comfortable till the one I ordered arrives.
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