3" rigid conduit clamp with threaded rod

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Senior Member
I have a length of 3" rigid going vertical up a wall from a meter base. The GC built out the frame for the meter base 1-1/2 inches so conduit straps are not an option. I figured I would just get conduit straps with threaded rod into the building.

Problem is that the local supply houses have nothing and I cannot find anything on Grainger either. Anyone have a supplier or manufacturer they can direct me to for 3" ridgid clamps with threaded rod back into the building?

They don't want strut showing on the vinyl siding so i am installing blocking inside the wall to support the threaded rod.
Maybe someone could enlighten me as to what them there are?


ivsenroute, this company near me lists a 3"

are you in luzerne county PA? friedman electric should carry those

Friedman does not have any in stock in any of their stores. I normally shop the exeter store and they are out along with every single other store. Maybe I will just build out with strut and they will have to be happy with that.
Are they for vertical runs of RMC?


Why not just use cowboys/mini's, bolts of some flavor [lag, threaded rod, actual bolt] and the spacer option?

Here is what the manufaturer says:
Our Galvanized Split Ring Hangers are used to suspend black iron pipe from joists, steel beams, wooden rafters or walls. They can be used in both horizontal and vertical applications.

If I can't get these in a day or two then the spacer method will just have to do. Not what I wanted though. I 'll have to take what i can get.
Are they for vertical runs of RMC?

You can get them from electrical supply manufacturers but I have never been questioned on it. We work for a animal fat refinery that requires us to use only these types of supports on all RMC runs and everything is outside the offices are RMC. :)
This is what I get for agreeing to do work for my family. My aunt is having a garage attached to their home and asked if I would wire the garage. I said yes, simple, easy job. Then they tell me that I will have to move the service because of the attachment point to the house. Next they tell me they want another 200A panel in the new garage because they are adding an office with electric heat and a kiln and a hot tub. Now I am upgrading to a 320 continuous overhead service because they don't want to trench up their driveway.

On a funny note, I was placing the CEE in the footing and attaching it to the rebar when the inspector showed up for the footing inspection. He does not know me and asked "What is that copper wire doing in the footer?". After a pause I told him that the #4 bare stranded copper was for the CEE so I did not have to use ground rods. He then told me I still had to use ground rods. I just looked away and kept working. It sucks to be the inspector being inspected by someone who does not know what they are talking about. Anyway after a short conversation, he had a better understanding.
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