Ohio License Renewal CE Hours

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Every year I vow to get my 10 hours CE in early, maybe find something really challenging. But it always turns out the same, I get busy and a couple weeks before expiration (February), I find the first class within driving distance that does 10 hours in one day, usually "Code Review". Any suggestions for Northeast Ohio ? BTW Ohio does not accept online or home based .
I think Sam Oaks is out of Middletown or thereabouts, I don't know if he still offers classes for EC's, but if you PM me I will look for his number. A few yarns get spun . . . :roll:
Every year I vow to get my 10 hours CE in early, maybe find something really challenging. But it always turns out the same, I get busy and a couple weeks before expiration (February), I find the first class within driving distance that does 10 hours in one day, usually "Code Review". Any suggestions for Northeast Ohio ? BTW Ohio does not accept online or home based .

They do allow online but I do nt think for electrical.

Here is the list: http://www.com.state.oh.us/dico/docs/218.pdf

or try:

Thanks Volta, found Oaks website. It seems most of the Ohio stuff is basic code or code change - power point presentation. The stuff I've sat through, was pretty rudimentary. Ideally I'd like some chapter 5,6 or 7 in a little more detail, which was maybe 1 hour of the 10.
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