Megger data

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Senior Member
Would someone be knid enough to share with me their form for recording the information obtained during a megger test. Our megger is not fancy enough to print out a report so I'm stuck with the old fasion way.

As I recall the form usually has you note the temperature and relative humidity as well as all of your different readings.

Thanks for your help.
Would someone be knid enough to share with me their form for recording the information obtained during a megger test. Our megger is not fancy enough to print out a report so I'm stuck with the old fasion way.

As I recall the form usually has you note the temperature and relative humidity as well as all of your different readings.

Thanks for your help.

Testing what?
Sorry - should have been more specific.

We will just be testing service entrance conductors (6 sets of 750 CU) as well as some feeder conductors.

I believe we will probably meg the switcchboard as well. (After disconnecting the electronics from the main breaker)

Sorry - should have been more specific.

We will just be testing service entrance conductors (6 sets of 750 CU) as well as some feeder conductors.

Mine are in Excel format, this forum won't allow me to attach those, I assume these are low voltage cables, you can email me or download test forms at

I believe we will probably meg the switcchboard as well. (After disconnecting the electronics from the main breaker)

And the PT's, and the lightning arrestors, lots to consider depending on the equipment. Are you testing the breakers as well?
The cables are low votage (480v)

I do not intend to test the breakers. Do you generally test the breakers on a new installation?
Yes, always. And the transformer, and the relays, and the GFP, etc.... Thats all I have done for 20 years. Usually the EC does nothing, a testing comapny comes in after the fact.

An Insulation resistance test is one of about 5-10 tests done on a breaker and one of 5-20 test done on a transformer.
Would someone be knid enough to share with me their form for recording the information obtained during a megger test. Our megger is not fancy enough to print out a report so I'm stuck with the old fasion way.

As I recall the form usually has you note the temperature and relative humidity as well as all of your different readings.

Thanks for your help.

Send me an IM with your email address.
Do you need a slick motorcycle to properly make such tests?:D

Sorry if I offended you, but there are probably a lot of people on here who may not be familiar with DLRO's, TTR's, Pulsar relay test sets, MS-2 circuit breaker test sets, HI-Pot's, Oil Dieltric test sets, etc, which are all Megger/Biddle test equipment. :)
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