Oct. 21, 1879

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Senior Member
On Oct. 21, 1879, Thomas Edison invented a workable electric light at his laboratory in Menlo Park, N.J.

"Have any electricians responded to your invitation to see you and investigate your method of lighting by electricity?"

"No electricians have been here yet, nor are there likely to be any here. Electricians are a very scarce article in this country, although there are many persons here who call themselves electricians. They don't come here, because they know that if they do they will be convinced that my light is at last a perfect one. I am glad they don't come. Practical men, with experience, and what I call 'horse sense,' are the best judges of this light, and they are the men whom I like to welcome to my laboratory." ---Thomas Edison

See the full article here:


On Oct. 21, 1879, Thomas Edison invented a workable electric light at his laboratory in Menlo Park, N.J.

"Have any electricians responded to your invitation to see you and investigate your method of lighting by electricity?"

"No electricians have been here yet, nor are there likely to be any here. Electricians are a very scarce article in this country, although there are many persons here who call themselves electricians. They don't come here, because they know that if they do they will be convinced that my light is at last a perfect one. I am glad they don't come. Practical men, with experience, and what I call 'horse sense,' are the best judges of this light, and they are the men whom I like to welcome to my laboratory." ---Thomas Edison

See the full article here:



Edison didn't like us either.......
"No electricians have been here yet, nor are there likely to be any here. Electricians are a very scarce article in this country, although there are many persons here who call themselves electricians. http://

This is totally unfair because there is a perfectly good reason why the electricians didn't show up.

They had jobs to finish and as usual the light fixtures were late to arrive at the job site.

"Just when is that Edison guy going to show up with those fixtures he promised"? :grin::grin:
I was doing some investigating with my 10 year old son on how to build a Jacobs Ladder and a Tesla Coil and came across this tid-bit; " Edison did not invent the light bulb. Joseph Swan was installing them in homes and landmarks in England years before Edison got his light bulb patented and working. Edison was buying out other people’s patents and when Swan eventually sued Edison and won, Edison had to take him in as a partner in Edison’s British company." Yes, once again one of the many sides to our history that rarely comes out.
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