- Location
- Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
- Occupation
- Hospital Master Electrician
Do you think they'll reconsider? 
Here was my reply to their rejection (essentially) of my suggestion to delete the 25 ohm rule (250.56)
Here was my reply to their rejection (essentially) of my suggestion to delete the 25 ohm rule (250.56)
There was no technical substantiation in the panel’s comment to support how a second ground rod improves an electrical grounding system. Moving the text around the code does not distract this section’s legion of critics from the fact that 30 ohms of resistance to earth is likely better than two paths of 3,000,000 ohms. If you move it around, we’ll simply see you next cycle. The proposed changes make absolutely no difference in the interpretation or application of the text, add no additional safety to the NEC, and nothing substantive has been changed. I salute the panel’s tenacity in their defense of this relic, hopefully in time it will fade along with the bygone 3-ohm water pipe requirement. I’m younger than most of you, chances are I’ll outlive you, and perhaps the next generation will be able to demonstrate an enhanced ability to add.