$148.00 receptacle - labor not included.

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One of the customer quotes;
The internal components are really no different then more expensive receptacles you can buy from a hardware store. The difference being that they are brass and gold plated...

One of these plugs would go great with the $3,000 shovel I just picked up from Ace Hardware.
Been there done that :grin:

And so did the sound guys for a Prince show, 240 volt twist lock plugs and receipts for the power to the flown amps up on the speaker racks, and guess what, they used the same twist locks to do fast hook up from the amps to the speakers and confused which cables were which, at 240 volts 8 ohm speakers didn't have a chance, I had a set of EV MT-4 cabinets at the factory for re-coning and they had run out of cones for the DLM-18's because of the blunder above, so to get me out the door, they installed 4 EVX-18's in each MT-4 cabinet, and re-ported the cabinets for the extra excursion of the EVX's what could I say, came in with a set of blown DLM-18's which cost around $500 and left with EVX's which cost around $2k a piece X 8

And by the way EVX's will take 120 volts all day long, it's only 960 watts @ 8 ohms, and they are rated 2k watts program (RMS), and 4k watts peak, the DLM-18's are 400 watt program, and 800 peak.
Reminds me of that solid gold toilet I used at a high end job in Socal a couple of years back. And I have to say, I took one of my best $h!ts on that bowl. My performance was unmatched!:grin:
I installed four of those for a guy who hired me to replace the two quads behind his equipment. When he handed them to me, I controlled myself. I just looked at them and said, "Okay." I didn't hang around for the audition.

It amazes me how people can ignore miles of transmission lines, miles of primary lines, tansformers all around, service cables, meters, feeders, and then ordinary panels, breakers, and circuits, and then insist on cryogenically-treated receptacles, Marinco cord ends, and long-crystal, oxygen-free copper power cords.

I've been into audio and audio/video since I was a kid (physically, I mean), and I've seen plenty of snake oil. I've seen speaker wire available for $15,000 for two 10-foot lengths. I call stuff like this The Emperor's New Cable.
Does that mean I can plug my speakers directly into that recep?;)
Yea go right ahead. they'll play old smokey. :grin:
Yeah, once. :cool:
I Wonder

I Wonder

I wonder how priorities get so screwed up? Who has time to listen to music all day and critique the sound quality to the inth degree? I lose jobs because a customer doesn't want to pay $150 for a normal standard installation, yet someone will spend $150 on a receptacle alone?? I've priced jobs for people who wear a Rolex, $1000 suits, drive a Mercedes or Lexus, have a $500,000 home and think I'm overcharging to wire a shed for $2,000 or $3,000 when I have to dig a 100 foot ditch through rock and clay just to get there. Also did an appliance install once; customer bought a new Jenn Air range to replace an old one. Her husband had researched and found the old and new were nothing alike; cabinet would have to be cut, vent and power moved, etc. He said ok to labor, but she griped the whole time that she couldn't afford it, only made so much money, etc. Yet she said up front she loved the Jenn Air and didn't want anything else. If $ was a problem they could have bought a $300 stove, paid us to install a range outlet and be done with it for far less $.

Those of you who have installed them, do the customers gladly pay your labor or do you have to listen to whining too?
Rave Review!!

Rave Review!!

And no, I am not from CO and I did not write the following review:

Completely out of this world
Monday, October 26, 2009
Daniel Jackson from Cheyenne Mountain, CO
Before installing the Wattgate 381 Audio Grade Duplex Socket, I was only able to pick up a few local radio stations on my HD receiver. The stations I could hear had a lot of static and where hard to listen to. Since installing the Wattgate 381 Audio Grade Duplex Socket I can now pick up nearly ever station on the planet and even a classic rock station from Alpha Centuari system.
The 25% increase of amperage as well as the power sine wave interpolation without a doubt prove that the Wattgate 381 Audio Grade Duplex Socket is worth at least five times the full retail price.
After some calculations I have determined that if were to use the Wattgate 381 Audio Grade Duplex Socket to recharge my Prius, I will obtain close to a 35% increase in mileage using batteries alone.
I further hypotheroize that if one Wattgate 381 Audio Grade Duplex Socket was installed in every household in America the global carbon dioxide levels would be significantly reduced.

This is on the site linked to the product in the first thread. What a hoot!
Monster Cable could make a killing if they made their own "audio grade" NM cable.

Heck, they already make dryer cords.

They are only 40 bucks and may even serve a purpose in a harsh environment. However......if the brass on your dryer plug is corroding enough to make even a smidgen of difference maybe you have bigger problems that need to be addressed??? :roll::roll:
They are only 40 bucks and may even serve a purpose in a harsh environment. However......if the brass on your dryer plug is corroding enough to make even a smidgen of difference maybe you have bigger problems that need to be addressed??? :roll::roll:

meh, if I want a $40 dryer cord, I will make one with a straight hubbell plug (9431C for nema 14-30) and a length of SO cable. Much nicer looking than that monster cable.....
oh my god

oh my god

Thats great what a receptacle I better change my pants..... what a crock read the first review on the site provided and you will see the kind of idiot it takes to buy this product. thats all im gonna say. he runs all the way to sears to get the right screw driver cause he does not own one. thats the level at which things like these make sales.
This is what im talking about

This is what im talking about

I have to say, I was disappointed at first when the UPS man failed to deliver my Wattgate 381 socket without a signature. A few days later, I had that hot little baby in my hands. And ,oh what a difference from the older Wattgate 351 model! Wow.
A little more disappointment when I went to install the 381 and found that I did not have the proper metric Phillips screwdriver a short trip to Sears solved that. (IMHO- the website should tell you that you need a special tool or it should be included for a nominal fee.)
HOWEVER, once installed to run my home theater components, the difference was ASTOUNDING. Superb, clear audio & video crystal clear. I went and upgraded all of my home theater power cords to the side-prong 20A style so that I could benefit from the extra 5 amps. (O: Joules are a flowin ! In hind-sight, I should have upgraded to the Wattgate sockets years ago before upgrading my components.
I am a little disappointed in the one-year warranty for such a fine piece of technology, BUT , I am currently saving for 31 more to install in the rest of the house!
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